Attendance QR code – Plugin WordPress

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attendace with qr Android + wordpress plugin

attendace with qr Android + wordpress plugin

attendace with qr Android + wordpress plugin

attendace with qr Android + wordpress plugin

attendace with qr Android + wordpress plugin

attendace with qr Android + wordpress plugin

Good News

We are pleased to announce that now the Attendance with QR code is Flutter. So you don’t need to worry about IOS users, now you can generate applications for IOS users.

About this system?

This is an application for employee attendance. Track your employees/students online and save your employee’s data to your database (MYSQL).

This application working with a system called Employee attendance with QR (Android & IOS App). You just install the plugin, and the system will work properly in the WordPress system.

Your employee will attend to scan the QR code.


System Management


  • Download:APK
  • Do settings
  • find the QR from the management system, Home -> Setting


Please do not delete the default data, or change the user & password.
Thank you 

What did you get in the package?

-Plugin for WordPress system
-Flutter Source code
-Apk file

This application is suitable for?

-Universities, attendance of students
-The company, for employee attendance
-Or else, to check attendance

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 2.x

Demo Url Admin/

Mobile Files Included

Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .plist, .swift, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, HTML

Video Preview Resolution
