Luma – Education HTML Learning Management System Admin Template

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Luma – HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template

A beautifully crafted user interface with HTML, CSS and JavaScript for modern Education Platforms. Includes Courses & Tutorials, Video Lessons, Student & Teacher Dashboard, Curriculum Management, Earnings & Reporting, ERP, HR, CMS, Tasks, Projects, eCommerce and more.

  • Expertly coded HTML5, CSS and JavaScript
  • 105+ Unique Page Designs, 18+ Starter Layouts for any application
  • Latest Bootstrap v4.5.2
  • Source SCSS and JavaScript ES6
  • 9 RTL Demos
  • Fully Responsive
  • Valid HTML
  • Compatible with Webpack, Gulp, Laravel or any other workflow
  • Well Documented

Luma - Nuxt.js Vue Learning Management System Admin Template

Luma Laravel & Inertia.js Vue Learning Management System Admin Template

What’s New

Luma Bootstrap v2.0.0 – 7 Dec, 2020

This update makes customizing the CSS (SCSS) and JavaScript easier:
- Added JavaScript source files in resources/js
- Added SCSS source files in resources/scss
- Dropped vendor/ui-huma private local package dependency
- Updated package.json dependencies
- Fixed Dropzone example
- Fixed Select2 stylesheet loading order
- Fixed Vector Maps example
- Fixed Sweet Alert example

Luma Bootstrap v1.3.0 – 17 Sep, 2020

- Updated most of the dependencies (including Bootstrap to v4.5.2)
- Restructured the contents to be more readable and easier to work with
- Added pre-built RTL versions for all demos
- Added app layout dark mode demo
- Included the private dependencies directly in the download package (versus requiring a gitlab account to be able to run the provided build tools and customize the source)
- Added application shells (minimal layout templates for any application without page content)
- Added page content partials (without a surrounding layout)
- Added 18 pre-built separate demos
- Fixed some HTML validation issues
- Fixed select2 search
- Added app layout home page

Luma Bootstrap v1.2.0 – 15 May, 2020

Luma Learning App - v1.2.0 update

- Upgraded to Bootstrap v4.5.0
- Added new browse teachers page
- Added new blog post page
- Added blog / recommended items
- Added app layout / blog page
- Added demo 2 / faq page
- Added demo 2 / discussions page
- Added demo 2 / discussion details
- Added demo 2 / ask question page
- Added demo 2 / blog page
- Improved feedback carousel cards
- Improved blockquote style
- Temporarily disable and hide tooltips on opened dropdown menus

Luma Bootstrap v1.1.0 – 10 May, 2020

Luma LMS - v1.1.0 update

- Improved Typography
- Added new home page
- Added new pricing page
- Added new course layout
- Added new lesson layout
- Added new quiz layout
- Added new dashboard layout
- Improved edit course
- Improved manage quizzes
- Improved edit quiz
- Improved course curriculum
- Improved teacher & student public profile pages

Improved Quiz & Course Management
- Added edit course / video URL
- Added edit course / description HTML editor
- Improved edit course / sections
- Added edit course / select2 tags
- Improved edit quiz / questions list
- Improved edit quiz / new question
- Added edit quiz / select2 course

Luma Bootstrap v1.0.0 – 29 Apr, 2020

- initial release

105+ Unique Page Designs

Guest Pages

  • Home Page
  • Browse Courses
  • Browse Learning Paths
  • Preview Course
  • Preview Video Lesson
  • Learning Path Details
  • Pricing

Guest Pages #2 - Luma HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template

Guest Pages - Luma HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template

Student Pages

  • Student Dashboard
  • My Courses
  • My Paths
  • Take Course
  • Take Lesson
  • Take Quiz
  • My Quizzes
  • Quiz Result
  • Skill Assessment
  • Skill Result

Student Pages #2 - Luma HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template

Student Pages - Luma HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template

Instructor Pages

  • Instructor Dashboard
  • Manage Courses
  • Manage Quizzes
  • Edit Course
  • Edit Quiz
  • Earnings
  • Statement

Instructor Pages #2 - Luma HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template

Instructor Pages - Luma HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template

Community Pages

  • Blog Home
  • Blog Post
  • Browse Teachers
  • Student Profile
  • Instructor Profike
  • FAQ
  • Help Center
  • Discussions
  • Discussion Details
  • Ask Question

Enterprise Pages

  • ERP Dashboard
  • CRM Dashboard
  • HR Dashboard
  • Employess
  • Staff
  • Leaves

ERP/CRM/CMS - Luma HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template

Productivity Pages

  • Projects
  • Tasks Board
  • Tasks List


  • Shop Dashboard


  • CMS Dashboard
  • Manage Posts

Account Management Pages

  • Edit Account
  • Edit Profile & Privacy
  • Edit Email Notifications
  • Account Password

Account Management - Luma HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template

Billing Pages

  • Subscription
  • Upgrade Account
  • Payment Information
  • Payment History
  • Invoice


  • Messages app
  • E-mail app

Messages - Luma HTML Education & Learning Management System Admin Template


  • Chart.js
  • Flatpickr – Date picker
  • Date Range Picker
  • Dragula – Drag and Drop
  • Dropzone – File Uploads
  • Range Sliders
  • Quill Text Editor
  • Select2
  • Nestable
  • Fancy Tree
  • Vector Maps
  • Sweet Alert

Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible With

Bootstrap 4.x

Demo Url Bootstrap Html/


Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

HTML Files, SCSS Files
