BillPay – Topup, Recharge and Utility Bill Payment Solution

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Are you ready to transform the way your business handles bill payments? Look no further! Our state-of-the-art Bill Payment Web Application is here to revolutionize the way you manage your monthly expenses.

Key Features:

Streamlined Bill Management: Say goodbye to manual bill tracking. Our platform centralizes all your bills in one place, making it effortless to manage and pay them.

Extensive Payment Options: With 34+ automated payment methods, including PayPal, Stripe, Perfect Money, and Flutterwave, you have the freedom to choose the payment method that suits your business.

Customizable for Your Needs: We understand that every business is unique. Our platform is customizable to fit seamlessly into your existing processes and systems.

Automated Admin Tools: Admins can enjoy powerful automation tools for bill management, powered by partnerships with Flutterwave, Bloc, Tpaga, and Reloadly.

Top-Tier Security: We prioritize the security of your financial data and transactions, ensuring that your business’s information remains protected.

Time and Cost Savings: Free up valuable resources by reducing the time and cost associated with manual bill management. Redirect your efforts towards more strategic activities.

Why Choose Us:

Our Bill Payment Web Application is more than just a tool; it’s a strategic asset for your business. By choosing us, you’re investing in streamlined operations, increased efficiency, and a brighter financial future.

Experience the Future of Bill Management:

Say goodbye to bill-related stress and hello to a more efficient, convenient, and cost-effective way of managing your business expenses. Take control of your bills and pave the way for success with our Bill Payment Web Application.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your business operations. Get started today and experience the game-changing benefits of our platform.

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BillPay - Topup, Recharge and Utility Bill Payment Solution

Server Requirements

✓ Minimum PHP Version 8.1

✓ MySQL Version 5.7+ or MariaDB version 10.2+

✓ BCMath PHP Extension

✓ Ctype PHP Extension

✓ Fileinfo PHP extension

✓ JSON PHP Extension

✓ Mbstring PHP Extension

✓ OpenSSL PHP Extension

✓ PDO PHP Extension

✓ PDO_MYSQL PHP Extension

✓ Tokenizer PHP Extension

✓ XML PHP Extension

✓ CURL PHP Extension

✓ GD PHP Extension

✓ GMP PHP Extension

Frequently Asked About Server

Question: Do I need VPS or a Dedicated server to run this system?

Answer: No, You can run this system in a shared host as well and it will run smoothly. But if you have much traffic, you may need to upgrade your server/hosting. Our codes are highly optimized to ensure the best possible performance.

Question: Which hosting provider should I choose for this? Do you have any suggestions?

Answer: You can choose any hosting provider who provides Cpanel based hosting. cPanel is not a must, but we recommend you to have cPanel based hosting.

Question: Which hosting provider should I choose for this? Do you have any suggestions?

Answer: You can choose any hosting provider who provides Cpanel based hosting. cPanel is not a must, but we recommend you to have cPanel based hosting.

Question: I don’t have cPanel, What should I do?

Answer: Nothing to worry about, Our system will work with any control panel but cPanel is easy to manage, for that we recommend cPanel based hosting. Also, Our free Support is limited to cPanel based hosting only.

Support Facility:

Please send us your product presale query, after sales support request, customization project and any other queries to:


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