Engage is multi-purpose, creative, one page parallax, responsive theme for portfolio showcase, modern businesses, agency, personal use, etc.
List of Features:
- One Page Parallax Template
- 4 Design Concepts with 18 Demos
- YouTube Video Backgrounds
- Retina Ready
- 3 different menu variants
- Parallax Sections
- Cube Portfolio
- Working Ajax contact form with validation
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Bootstrap 3.2.0
- Fully Responsive
- Google Fonts
- Filterable Portfolio
- Coming Soon Pages
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- Mobile Browsers Compatible
- Font Awesome and Ionicons
- jquery.parallax.min.js
- animate.css
- fontello.css
- bootstrap.js
- jquery.appear.js
- jquery.easypiechart.js
- jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js
- owl.carousel.min.js
- morphext.min.js
- wow.min.js
- ionicons
- Font Awesome
Note : Images are used for demo purposes only, they are not incuded in the download package.