2 in One Flutter Games Bundle Pack

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Bundle of 2 Games developed in flutter for Android and iOS

1.  Rock Paper Scissors

2. Tic Tac Toe Game


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2 in One Flutter Games Bundle Pack - 1


Rock Paper Scissors Game

  1. Single Step to Win
  2. Computer Opponent 
  3. Reset Button
  4. Score

Tic Tac Toe

  1. Two Player Game
  2. Reset Button
  3. Score


  1. Install Visual Studio Code
  2. Install Xcode
  3. Install Android Studio with the latest Android SDK, Android SDK Platform Tools, and Android SDK Build Tools
  4. Install the latest Flutter SDK
  5. Install the latest Dart SDK

Note: Android Studio is not required if using Visual Studio Code


Using Visual Studio Code:

  1. Open Project in Visual Studio Code from File -> Open (Select project folder)
  2. Open pubspec.yaml file which is located in root directory, and click Get Packages
  3. Now, it’s ready to run the project

Using Android Studio:

  1. Open Project in Android Studio from Open an existing Android Studio project
  2. If the device is not shown in the Flutter Device Selection dropdown, go to File -> Project
  3. Structure and select the latest Project SDK e.g. Android API 28 Platform
  4. Open pubspec.yaml file which is located in the root directory, and click Packages get
  5. Now, it’s ready to run the project


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