35 Filetype Icons Set
What’s included in the purchased files?
1. “PSDs” Folder: includes 1 PSD file for each icon. the PSD file contains layered detailed vector shaped graphics.
2. “PNGs” Folder: contains 6 sub-folders (one for each size).
Sizes include: ( 256×256 / 128×128 / 96×96 / 64×64 / 48×48 / 32×32 ).
3. Help Folder: includes simple html help file.
Icons included:
- AEP Icon: for Adobe After Effects
- AI Icon: for Adobe Illustrator
- APP Icon: for Apple Mac
- ASL Icon: for Adobe(photoshop) Style Layer
- ATN Icon: for Adobe Photoshop Action!!!
- AVI Icon: for Audio Video Interleave
- BMP Icon: for Bit Map Picture
- CSS Icon: for Cascading Style Sheets
- DOC Icon: for Documents (Microsoft Word)
- EPS Icon: for Encapsulated PostScript
- EXE Icon: for Executable “Windows Applications”
- FLA Icon: for FLAsh!!!
- FLV Icon: for Flash Video
- GIF Icon: for Graphics Interchange Format
- HTML Icon: for Hyper Text Markup Language
- INDD Icon: for InDesign
- JPG Icon: for Joint Photographic (Experts) Group
- MOV icon: for Multinational Organization Vertex (QuickTime Movie)
- MP3 Icon: for MPEG Audio Layer III!!!
- MPEG Icon: for Moving Picture Experts Group
- PDF Icon: for Portable Document Format “Adobe Acrobat Document”
- PHP I con: for Hypertext Preprocessor!!
- PNG Icon: for Portable Network Graphics
- PPJ Icon: for (Adobe) Premiere Project
- PPT Icon: for MS PowerPoint
- PSD Icon: for (Adobe) PhotoShop
- RAR Icon: for Roshal ARchive (Data compression)
- RM Icon: for Real Media (Real Player)
- SWF Icon: for Small Web File (Adobe Flash File)
- TXT Icon: for Text
- WAV Icon: for Waveform (Audio File)
- WMA Icon: for Windows Media Audio
- WMV Icon: for Windows Media Video
- XSL Icon: for EXtensible Stylesheet Language (MS EXCEL)
- ZIP Icon: for Zone Information Protocol (Data compression)