3D Mall/Airport/Cruiseship Directory

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3D Mall/Airport/Cruiseship Directory Website Template

In the movie Star Wars, robot R2-D2 showed Jedi the 3D path to the top of the battle space ship to rescue Senator Palpatine. In this website app, we did the same thing.
If you give R2-D2 a browser and add the store name into the URL (e.g. https://www.mingsitservices.com/threejsdirectiondemo/index.html?search=207 ), R2-D2 will show you the path to the store in a browser! If R2-D2 can search
according to your words like Siri, then R2-D2 can automatically create a URL (e.g. https://www.mingsitservices.com/threejsdirectiondemo/index.html?search=207 ) and show you the path in a browser. If possible, it could be integrated with car and airplane’s driving assistant system. Google map and Bing map could also use this technology to add an earth 3D model feature to show airports and malls 3D directions. Many new customers of airports and malls need this kind of directions before they arrive at airports and malls.

This 3D Mall/Airport/Cruiseship Directory Website is for customers to find their way to the expected store in a multi-floor building. Blender is used to create the 3D model of the mall.
Three.js is used to move the 3D model.

It can be easily integrated into your existing website. It used html, jQuery, Blender and Three.js. So it can be easily added to a PHP/C#/Java/Python/Node.js/Wordpress website and any
other websites.

It’s a responsive website. You can access the website from your cellphone and get a great look of the web page.

You need to create your own mall/building/cruiseship’s 3D model using Blender or other software. Now we can custom design and make your 3D model for you. Just leave a message including your email address and/or phone number on our company website https://www.mingsitservices.com/ and we will contact you in several days.

The store name and label content are saved in the data.json file. You can change these values accordingly.

You need a web server such as IIS, Apache for the 3D model to work. If you use Mac, please visit this URL to learn how to set up a web server: https://www.lifewire.com/use-your-mac-to-share-web-site-2260400

The preview does not enable most important features. Since it’s written in javascript, if I enable most important features in the preview/demo, then you do not need to buy it. Do you know what I mean?

This product has been purchased by many customers from different countries such as the United States, Russia, India, Spain, Italy, Ukraine, etc.

Documentation file is in the source code root folder with the name documentation_threejsdirection.docx
Please follow the documentation file to setup this website.

youtube video:


Put your search string into the URL:

(search string needs to be uppercase)

documentation file:
In the source code root folder, documentation_threejsdirection.docx

documentation page:

Donate URL link:

If you have any questions, please email mingtl2010@gmail.com

Here is our company website: https://www.mingsitservices.com/ You can leave a message and we will get it immediately.
Now we can custom design and make your 3D model for you. Just leave a message including your email address and/or phone number on the company website and we will contact you in several days.


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