3D Spherical Image Gallery | WordPress Plugin

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3D Spherical Image Gallery is a unique state of the art WordPress plugin, which transforms your media gallery into an interactive infinite spherical gallery. The plugin uses WebGL for rendering 3D graphics.

  • Unlimited number of images
  • Major image formats support (PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP)
  • Auto crop, scale and thumbnails generation
  • Touch and swipe enabled, works on mobile phones and tablets
  • Ability to include images by category or tag

How to use it?

Activate the plugin and configure gallery settings through 3D Spherical Image Gallery admin menu, get the shortcode and paste it to any page or post.

Please note that by default WordPress doesn’t allow to assign categories or tags to media library items. To be able to categorize or tag your images and then select specific categories or tags when building a 3D Spherical Image Gallery you will need to use one of the free media library plugins. Read more on how to add categories and tags to WordPress Media Library.

System requirements

  • PHP 5.4+ with GD support
  • fileinfo or mime_magic PHP extension enabled

What license is required?

The Regular license entitles you to use the product on one website / domain only. If you want to use it on multiple websites / domains you have to purchase several Regular licenses (1 website = 1 license).

If you charge website users to have access to the product or its components you need to purchase the Extended license.

Please adhere to these rules. Read License FAQ for more information.


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