3D-Tour Hero | Script of WebGL Based Virtual Tour + Visual Constructor

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This scripts helps you to add Virtual 3D Tour to your site.
Purchase include the source of Visual Virtual Tour Constructor!
It helps to create the Virtual Tour in visual mode in your site admin panel!

Purchase included:

  1. Panorama Hero Script to Play the Virtual Tours
  2. Visual Virtual Tour Constructor for Admin Panel
  3. Four Panoramic Textures for Test
  4. Preloader GIF and Icons for Links from preview
  5. Full Documentation
  6. Examples of use


  • Maximal Support in Browsers due to WebGL & Canvas Renderers
  • HTML5 3D-Tour Redactor for Admin Panel
  • Convenient and Great API
  • Control Settings (Speed & Direction of ‘Hand-Rotate’, ‘Zoom’, ‘Auto-Rotate’)
  • Start Camera Direction
  • Load Animation
  • Links to 3D Tour creation
  • Helper to easy Getting the Point on 3D-Scene to link snap
  • Export & Import player data with all configs in JSON format
  • Performance Optimization (stop update when player is hidden or don’t have tasks)
  • Easy to Use
  • Detailed Documentation.

Script’s Benefits:

Control Settings
The script has mouse sensitivity settings to rotate the picture, auto-rotation with a customizable speed as well as
the ability to enable or disable zoom (image scaling with the mouse wheel).

Excellent performance
Best performance panorama on all devices thanks to the usage of low-level tools supporting WebGL, also part of the
WebGL code can be performed directly on the cards.

Maximal adaptability
When creating your project, you may not care about the performance of the spherical panorama on different devices!
Technology WebGL is supported by almost all the modern browsers and gadgets! If the device still does not support
and Canvas2d API, the script is provided with an option of an alternate image instead of the panorama!

Several panoramas on a single page
When creating a script, I made sure that any user would be able to add to the page several panoramas without
unnecessary burden for the browser. WebGL library is loaded only once, and image updates occur only when the player
is visible to the user!

Easy to use
It is now possible to add interactive 3D-panorama into an Adobe Muse project in a few simple steps and without a
single line of code!

Currently, there are a lot of possible applications of 3D panorama – from demonstration of rental facilities to
selling luxury housing or using as a 3D designer portfolio!


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