Active Matrimonial OTP add-on

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Note: OTP system isn’t an independent system. This OTP system is available only for Active Matrimonial CMS. If you do not purchase Active Matrimonial CMS yet then click here for purchasing

Purchase today! & use OTP System for your Matrimonial business which is only developed with the most efficient Matrimonial cms named Active Matrimonial cms. This OTP Addon will open a new door for your Matrimonial business. Your user will be able to create an account & reset password using their mobile number. They will get sms notification for new mobile number verification, account opening by admin, account approval, staff account opening, manual payment approval, express interest, accept interest and password reset. You can also send bulk sms to your registered accounts mobile number.

How does it work?

  • Active Matrimonial cms should be pre-installed in your server
  • Purchase OTP addon for Active Matrimonial cms from codecanyon
  • Download and install the addon to your Active Matrimonial cms addon manager
  • It’s done!

Active Matrimonial OTP add-on - 1

Active Matrimonial OTP add-on - 2

Active Matrimonial OTP add-on - 3

Active Matrimonial OTP add-on - 4

Active Matrimonial OTP add-on - 5

version : 1.4 (23/07/2023)

-  Added sender ID in Nexmo OTP system

version : 1.3 (04/04/2023)

- Compatible with Active Matrimonial CMS v4.0

version : 1.2 (10/02/2022)

- Minor bug fix

version : 1.1 (03/06/2021)

- DLT method support for fast2sms

version : 1.0 (19/04/2021)

- Initial release


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