Advanced Custom Fields – Component Field Addon

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Build it once, use it everywhere and forever. A simple acf pro add-on that allows you to treat a field group as a component and reuse it in any other field groups. Later on if you want to make changes to that component, you only need to edit once, it’ll apply to every field groups that uses the component.

When should I use this?

Have you ever find your self creating the same set of fields in your project, say like, a custom lists menu, a testimonial block, sliders, or even a button? Well, this plugin might just be the one you need. Essentially, this plugin will allow you to only create that “same set of fields” once, and you can reuse it as many times as you want.


WordPress 4+
ACF PRO 5.7+

Note: This plugin is only compatible with ACF pro version due to their structure setup differences.

Example and Live Demo

Please visit to see the example usages and live demo.


– Fix warnings related to php8.2.

– (New) Now compatible with ACF PRO version 6 (2022-09-21).

– Added support for top level component field pagination (from repeater field).

– Added support for ACF PRO version 6 new layout and UI/UX.

– Added backward compatibility to continue support for ACF PRO version 5.

– Fix a bug where importing without component flag generates php errors.

– Minor update to code formatting per Codecanyon new requirement

– Fix a bug where converting to repeater field sometimes delete the component field group.

– Fix a WPML bug where field groups cache is trigger too early.

– Fix a bug where local acf-json folder contains location setting for component field group.

– Add import compatibility when using v1 export json file.

– Add admin tool to run migration manually (Custom Fields -> Tools).

– Add 2.0.1 migration to attempt to fix corrupted component fields when upgraded to component field v2 in incorrect order previously

– Complete rewrite for better performance, brand new hot features and small UX changes.

– Minimal requirement for ACF pro is now 5.7+ because of the javascript changes. Component field version 1 will still be supported for questions and help until end of 2018, but will no longer receive new updates.

– Core changes: V2 no longer uses custom post status, acf-component, to handle the component field. In stead, it uses meta value. (when you upgrade to 2.0, the plugin will run script to fix this for you)

– Core changes: the field group property ‘field_group_id’ has been renamed to ‘field_group_key’. (when you upgrade to 2.0, the plugin will run script to fix this for you)

– New feature: you can now convert existing repeater field into a component field (a new component field group will be created and the repeater field’s sub fields will be moved into it)

– New feature: you can now convert a component field to repeater field and optionally auto delete the component field after the conversion. (current component field will be changed to repeater, and the component field gorup’s fields will be duplicated as the repeater’s sub-fields)

– UX enhanced: You can now set the default component field settings on the component field group. (such as button label, min, max, layout)

– UX enhanced: In the list table, when you are in the component tab, it’ll now show you how many times the component has been used. This is useful if your site has a lot of old components, and not sure if it’s save to delete or not.

– UX enhanced: After you duplicate a component field group, it’ll now redirect you to the component tab, instead of the active tab.

– Performance enhanced: with the new JS in ACF pro 5.7, some of hacky js code for component field has been removed. Now the backend run a lot smoother.

– Code enhanced: plugin code has been completely rewrite for better performance and less hacky stuff. The file/folder structure is also reorganized for better readability.

– Fix importing/exporting bug for acf pro 5.6.5’s new “admin tool” framework.

– Fix field class constructor for ACF 5.6.0 release.

– Fix a bug where component add row event isn’t register properly when the field group metabox is added through ajax.

– Component field’s “this is a component” checkbox will now remain checked upon duplication.

– Fix wpml language duplication not selecting the proper component group. After language duplication, it’ll “try” to find the matching translated component field.

– Added /lang/acf-component_field-default.pot file

– Add optional alternative styling for nested components. Screenshot

– Fix php warning error when importing regular acf json file.

– Fix a copy-paste mistake that’ll cause warning error if wp_debug is on.

– Added plugin activation hook to fix component field not restore after updating plugin.

– Fix a bug where after updating a component field, acf_get_field_groups() doesn’t check the local json cache syncing properly.

– Fix a bug where single sync/bulk sync from local json cache doesn’t set the proper status.

– Add ability to read local fields generated by “acf_add_local_field_group()” to the “select field group” dropdown.

– Fix a bug where if a component field is exported to a local php export, it cannot render the sub fields.

– Added German translation, thanks to Thomas. Added index.php to prevent directory listing.

– Updated plugin metadata to point to the live demo

– Fix backend javascript when having nested component field

– Fix a frontend value parsing issue.

– Initial release.

Test Log

The latest version is tested up to:
Wordpress 6.2.2
ACF Pro 6.1.7


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