ALEX is Creative Professional Personal Portfolio was designed as a simple clean multipurpose meant for ’’Resumes, Freelance, Designers , Personal Portfolio …”.
ALEX Template is a one page template fully responsive with a clean and well organized HTML & CSS3 code, And it can be easily customized.
ALEX Template Features
- HTML5 CSS3 Code
- Fully Responsive HTML5
- Mobile Navigations
- Well Organized Code
- Smooth Page Scrolling
- Counter Effect
- LightWidget Instagram
- One Page Template
- customer support
ALEX Template Assets
- Greensock Library
- Scrollmagic Library.
- Slick slider plugin
- Venobox plugin
- Fontawesome
- Google font
You will Get:
- HTMl Files
- CSS Files
- JavaScript Files
- Documentation
All the images used in preview are not included .
Alex Template designed by ” JuliaPovarkova “