Algori Image and Video Slider Pro for WordPress Gutenberg

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Features for Algori Video and Image Slider Pro for WordPress Gutenberg Block Plugin

The new Algori Video and Image Slider Pro Plugin for WordPress Gutenberg enables you to easily add image sliders to your website.

Capture your site visitors’ attention with compelling image sliders, beautiful hero images/videos, header sliders, image carousels and slideshows.

Algori Video & Image Slider Pro Features

  1. 14 different slider dot styles
  2. 14 different slider arrow styles
  3. Add text with call to action button on top of slider
  4. Hide/Show Navigation Dots
  5. Hide/Show Navigation Arrows
  6. Enable/Disable Slideshow Autoplay
  7. Hide/Show Pause Autoplay on Click
  8. Disable/Enable Right to Left Direction
  9. Enable/Disable Vertical Direction
  10. Enable/Disable Slide Fade
  11. Enable/Disable Lazy Load
  12. Enable/Disable Center Mode
  13. Disable/Enable Infinite Slider Loop
  14. Adjust Slider Animation Speed
  15. Adjust Slider Autoplay Speed
  16. Show multiple slides
  17. Scroll multiple slides
  18. Show slides in grid rows
  19. Adjust slider video settings ( autoplay, muted, controls, loop, and much more … )
  20. Set left, right, center, wide and full width alignments for image slider.

More benefits you will get using Algori Video and Image Slider Pro Plugin;

  1. Easy to Use: No coding or design skills required.
  2. Highly Customizable: Create call-to-action hero sliders, promo banners, video series and custom slideshows with text to highlight your best content.
  3. Fully Responsive: Build modern, professional and mobile-friendly slide presentations on your website.
  4. Image Slider Alignment: Use the Gutenberg block alignment toolbar to seamlesly set the left, right, center, wide and full width alignments of your image slider.
  5. Many Dot and Arrow Styles: Choose between different slide navigation dot and arrow styles to beautifully match your site.
  6. Premium Support: Get prioritized and friendly support. Our support team is working 24/7 to answer your inquiries as fast as possible.

Support for the Algori Video & Image Slider Pro Plugin for WordPress Gutenberg

We have made this Image Slider plugin for WordPress Gutenberg so simple to use and it’s hard for us to imagine that anything might go wrong. However, if any issues do come up, our Support Team will be happy to take care of everything! You are welcome to contact us at any time, just keep in mind that the answer will come during our working hours, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EAT, Monday to Friday.

Buy the Algori Video and Image Slider Pro WordPress Plugin today and add compelling image sliders to your site with just a few clicks!  :D


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