ALL IN 1 TEMPLATE React native

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All in 1 template is a React native template. In this app there is 130+ ready design which includes all type of needed design.


  • 64-bit code
  • Android and iOS single code
  • 100% iPhone and Android compatible
  • Splash Screen
  • 130+ ready design
  • Material component
  • Admob banner design
  • Easily integrate to older app.
  • Clean code



  • This is a React native app which basic functionality is to display 130+ ready pages.
  • In start of application there is nice splash screen with logo.
  • In real world all application need some better UI so user can navigate it easily.
  • In this app there is various type of design which will give you highly user experience with large data. 
  • Ready APK file for testing DOWNLOAD APK.


For Buyer (Read before you buy):

  • You must need knowledge of React native.
  • In order to modify the app you need to have knowledge in Mobile technologies such as React native, javascript, Android studio, Xcode.
  • You also need to be able to install React native and its dependencies on your machine. We recommend you to use the React native official installation guide
  • You must have Latest android studio version 3.4.1
  • You must have minimum Xcode version 10.1.
  • Here is the path ’/ios/MaterialDesign/AppDelegate.m’ with options that you want to debug in simulator which using same internet as laptop OR run in device without NPM.
    • For run in simulator OPEN[uncomment] this line : //jsCodeLocation = [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@”index” fallbackResource:nil];
    • For run in device without NPM you should OPEN[uncomment] this line :   jsCodeLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:"main" withExtension:“jsbundle”];
    • anytime just one line is commented and another line is uncommented.
  • You must have knowledge of Apple APP store guidelines for upload an APP.

Excellent Customer Support : 

  • You can use my 24×7 support where I do quickly answer your questions.
  • For Reskin and upload to the Play store you can contact me anytime. Just in $50. [Must provide Play store access]
  • Free Lifetime Updates.
  • Get all the new features free.


Informação adicional

Compatible Software

iOS 12, Android 9.0

Demo Url In 1 Template/

Mobile Files Included

JavaScript JSON, JavaScript JS, CSS

Software Framework
Video Preview Resolution

