All In One Affiliate App | Ultimate Affiliate

  • Reviews:



The Ultimate Earning App is Finally Here ( v 8.2 LATEST)

  • High Profitable Commissions: Earn significant commissions from top-tier affiliate networks, including Amazon, ClickBank, Flipkart, Snapdeal, and many more.

  • Personalized Store Setup: Establish your own online store to showcase and sell a diverse range of products and services.

  • Engaging Deals and Discounts: Attract users with compelling deals and discounts, ensuring active participation and purchases.

  • Enhanced Earnings: Utilize an innovative app promotion system to maximize your earning potential.

  • User-Friendly Admin App: Easily manage your app using a user-friendly administrative application.

  • Interactive Scratch Coupon Codes: Boost user engagement through interactive scratch coupon codes.

  • Efficient Data Management: Leverage the free Firebase Database to efficiently manage your data.

  • Strategic Push Notifications: Keep users engaged and informed with well-timed push notifications.

  • Expanded User Acquisition: Elevate your user acquisition strategy and broaden your app’s user base effectively.

(for changelogs and New Features , scroll below the images)

All In One Affiliate App - Best Affiliate Earning App













Features :

  • Ultimate Affiliate Management (Earn Insane Money using any Affiliate Network (Amazon,Flipkart,ClickBank etc .. ))

  • Coupon Code System

  • Your Own Deals/Discount Store

  • Admin Can Completely Customize/Modify the App from Admin App.

  • Animated Splash Screen ,

  • EARN EVEN MORE (Promote other People Apps in Your App for any Charges/Commission )

  • Coupon Code System , Lucky WIN

  • Integrated Facebook Audience Network Ads

  • Integrated Admob Ads

  • Search Feature

  • Bookmarks Feature

  • Custom Font

  • Instagram/Facebook/Whatsapp/Email Contact feature

  • Inbuilt Native Video Player using Youtube API

  • Latest Android Code Migrated to AndroidX

  • Easy to Understand Native Java Code

  • Everything can be Modified/Customized from the Admin App


Admin App – email : , pass : admin12345@



What’s New : 09-08-2023 (v 8.3):

  • Android 13 Support – App Updated to Latest Android Version 34
  • Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 – is a major new release and includes performance improvements, bug fixes and new features.
  • Fixed PendingIntent Issue Firebase Notification (Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent.
  • Android Gradle Plugin upgraded from 4.0.1 to 7.3.1 (New : 7.3.1)
  • Material Components Added
  • Added Currency change option in both User and Admin app
  • YouTube Player crash Fix
  • Layout optimisations and minor issues fixed
  • Updated SDK and Library dependencies for smooth Experience
  • Updated all SDK’s
  • Various layout and other Bug Fixes

Full Changelog can be accessed here : ChangeLogs

For FAQ, Please refer to the Support Section

All In One Affiliate App | Ultimate Affiliate - 1


All In One Affiliate App | Ultimate Affiliate - 2




Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0

Demo Url

Mobile Files Included

.apk, .dex, .java, .xml

Video Preview Resolution
