Andaired Suite

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Andaired Suite

New update! Android 13 is now supported

Andaired Suite includes two tools for mobile applications development:

Andaired: A tool for creating Android and iOS apps from Flash content. It uses Adobe AIR SDK to compile mobile apps. Adobe AIR is bundled with mobile apps so you don’t have to worry about dependencies. It lets you visually created required certificate,set the icon and make application descriptor XML.
Most Flash games will require optimizations in code and will require to include BACK button functionality for Android. It provided mobile Adobe AIR simulator to debug your Flash games and trace the errors.
iOS exporter will require provisioning profile and developer certificate issued by Apple. There is workaround for this by using fake provisioning profile and developer certificate. Later you will have to test compiled IPA file using iTunes on Windows.

Not all devices are compatible with Adobe AIR mobile apps since it requires ARMv7 CPU.

Andaired Suite: Brand new tool for converting website to app. You can also create responsive apps from offline HTML5 content using Boostrap framework. You can also monetize apps with AdMob. More app templates are coming in future updates.

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Version 2.5

  • Andaired: New user interface
  • Andaired: Added support for building 64-bit APKs and Android app bundles
  • Andaired: Added support for Harman AIR SDK
  • Replaced HTML5Core with Andaired Suite
  • Removed iOS build tool


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