Animated-Educational-SVG-Icons designed by CSS code without using any images.
this item designed and developed using the latest HTML5, It’s totally responsive && mobile friendly, It will work properly on any device ( Desktops, tablets, mobiles, …… ).
This item is especially designed for designers, developers and creative freelancers who will need a simple and robust template to keep in touch with their clients.
Main Features
- You can edit SVG structure and style easy
- 100% Responsive
- W3 Validated (W3C Validated) HTML and CSS Codes.
- Pure CSS, No images used
- Clean, Fresh, and Well Decorated Codes.
- Used multi colors and available to edit by CSS.
- Minimal and Clean
- All Browser Compatible.
- HTML CSS Files Included
- Easy to Customize.
- Easy to Edit Animation.
- Easy to Edit Colors.
- You will get 1 HTML file, 14 CSS file,Documentation file.
- You can use any HTML editor code software to develop the item as Atom, Visual Studio Code and Sublime.
- You can use it in HTML website pages and many other purposes.
- Can be easily integrated into HTML Project or Website.