Antler – Hosting Provider & WHMCS Template

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Antler Hybrid Hosting Template
ANTLER, the most complete Hosting Provider & WHMCS template v3.8.1 is live!
Integrated and compatible with the latest version of WHMCS Platform
97% performance by Google PageSpeed Insights

Compatibility with outdated WHMCS versions:
If you need any version from 7.8.3 please, contact to

Horn Dashboard

Antler Typeform

antler demos

Custom Settings

antler rtl version

antler demos


whmcs email template


Antler Best Selling




UI, UX & Innovation Award

Elite Author


Antler the Most complete Hosting Template on the Market!

Antler is a Responsive Premium Template. Developed with the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technology, based on the Bootstrap Framework.
Comes with 50+ real hosting demos, and 35+ custom short-code elements with special reference to the professional Filter of Dedicated Servers and Domains – Switch prices dynamically – And customize servers according to your needs.

Antler Template include the Latest WHMCS and Order Form Template. Designed for all web hosting, business, multi purpose, domain sale websites, online business, personal blogs and similar sites. Antler is fully responsive and 100% compatible to all large, medium or small devices. Now, customise your template and run your project.

Antler Main Features

Latest Bootstrap Framework v5.2.3 ready
Latest WHMCS v8.10.1 Ready
WHMCS Template Included + RTL Version
WHMCS Email & Newsletter Template Available
Login, Domain Search & Hosting and Servers Plans Integration

Filter Of Dedicated Servers And Domains
Working PHP / Ajax Contact Form
Switch Plans Price Dynamically
Custom VPS Servers With Interactive Slider
70+ Illustration and Patterns in SVG & AI Editable Format

50+ Real Hosting Demos
Login, Register And Countdown Full Screen
35+ Custom Short-code Elements
W3C Validated HTML & CSS Code
Language Translation “I18next” System Available

– Cloudicon – 300 Simple Line Icons (Save $16)
– Video Modal Full Screen
– Font Awesome Icons (easy to use)
– Full Width Responsive Pricing Tables
– Responsive Layout Design

– Clean And Simple Design
– Retina Display Ready
– Google Fonts Supported
– Modern Browsers Compatible
– Custom Blog Page

– Free Live Chat
– Detailed Documentation
– And much more…

Antler Change-log

Version 3.8.1 – May 01nd, 2024

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.10.1 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ added ] Tooltip Function added (home3d.html, homevideo.html, pricing.html & developer.html files changed);
... [ added ] Tooltip Function added (sections.html, ssl.html, cart.html & WordPress.html files changed);
... [ fixed ] Infinite Loading Fixed (scripts.js & scripts.min.js files changed).

Version 3.8 – March 16nd, 2024

WHMCS Client Area Template:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.9 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Access Denied Page Updated (access-denied.tpl file updated);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Access Masspay Page Updated (masspay.tpl file updated);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Access Upgrade Page Updated (upgrade.tpl file updated);
 WHMCS Order Form Template:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Updated To The Latest v8.9 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
Antler Documentation:
... [ updated ] Antler Documentation Page Updated (index.html, policy.html, copyright.html and contact.html files updated);

Version 3.7 – Oct 23nd, 2023

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + Order Form + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.8 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Updated To The Latest v8.8 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area My Domains Page Dropdown Links Fixed (main.js & main.min.js files changed);
... [ updated ] New Patterns In “AI” Format Updated ( file updated);
... [ updated ] JS Main File Updated To The Latest Version  (jquery.min.js file updated);
... [ removed ] Tawk Live Chat Plugin Removed  (scripts.js & scripts.min.js files updated);
... [ removed ] JQuery Countdown Plugin Removed  (jquery.countdown.js file removed);
... [ added ] Beautifully Animated Flip Clock Plugin Added  (flip.min.js file added);
... [ removed ] Variables File Plugin Removed  (variables.js file removed);
... [ updated ] Fontwasome Updated  (assets/fonts/fontwasome folder updated);
... [ updated ] Full HTML Files Updated  (all HTML files structure updated);
... [ updated ] Several Animated SVG Patterns Updated  (several SVG animated patterns updated  - assets/patterns);
... [ updated ] Several SVG Icons Updated  (several SVG icons updated - assets/fonts/svg);
... [ updated ] Antler Custom Layout Updated (style.css & style.min.css files updated);
... [ added ] New CSS Style Files Added (theme.css & theme.min.css files added);
... [ added ] New CSS Style File Added (vendors.min.css file added).

Version 3.6.1 – April 28nd, 2023

WHMCS Client Area Template Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.7.2 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);

Version 3.6 – Marc 30nd, 2023

Maintenance Release:
… [ changed ] WHMCS Order Form Layout Fixed  (style.css file changed);
… [ added ] WHMCS Order Form CSS Style File Added  (main.css file added);
… [ changed ] WHMCS Order Form Common File Changed  (common.tpl file changed);
… [ changed ] WHMCS Client Area Layout Improvement  (main.css & main.min.css files changed).

Version 3.6 – Marc 28nd, 2023

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + Order Form + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.7.1 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Updated To The Latest v8.7.1 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] Bootstrap Updated To The Latest Version 5.2.3 (bootstrap.min.css & bootstrap.min.js replaced);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Checkout Page Layout Fixed (checkout.tpl file changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area Layout Fixed (main.css & main.min.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area Responsive Layout Fixed (main.css & main.min.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Order Form Layout Fixed (style.css file changed);
... [ updated ] Documentation Updated (index.html & fax.html files changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Order From Layout Fixed (style.css file changed);

Version 3.5.2 – Feb 14nd, 2023

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + Order Form + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] Order Form Layout Changed (style.css file changed);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Layout Changed (main.css & main.min.css files changed);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Custom Layout (style.css & style.min.css files changed);
... [ updated ] Antler Custom Layout (style.css & style.min.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] Antler Layout Fixed (cryptoexchange.html file changed);
... [ added ] Arabic Language Translation Folders Added (ar & ar-AR folders added);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Domains Checkbox Fixed (main.css & main.min.css files changed);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Layout Updated (style.css file changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Order Form Checkout Fixed (checkout.tpl file changed);
... [ new ] Woo Icon In SVG Format Added (woo.svg file added);
... [ fixed ] Firefox Language Translation Fixed (header.html & style.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] Documentation FAQ 10 Section Fixed (faq.html file changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Order Form Starting From Option Fixed (products.tpl file changed);
... [ new ] Antler Border Settings Style (settings.html & settings.js files changed);
... [ changed ] Antler Border Settings Implemented (scripts.js & scripts.min.js files changed);
... [ new ] Antler Colocation Page (colocation.html file added);
... [ new ] Antler Animation Patterns (network.svg & colocation.svg files added);
... [ fixed ] Antler Layout Improvement Fixed (index.html file changed);

Version 3.5.1 – Nov 29nd, 2022

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + Order Form + RTL Updated:
... [ fixed ] Order Form Plans Layout Fixed (products.tpl & style.css files changed);
... [ changed ] Documentation File Changed (index.html file changed);
... [ updated ] Layout Changed (style.css & style.min.css files changed);
... [ new ] New Maintenance Page (maintenance.html file added);
... [ new ] New SVG Animation File (maintenance.svg file added);
... [ new ] New Crypto Exchange Page (cryptoexchange.html file added);
... [ new ] New Banner Image (topbanner22.jpg file added).

Version 3.5 – Nov 08nd, 2022

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + Order Form + RTL Updated:
… [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Updated To The Latest v8.6 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
… [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Updated To The Latest v8.6 (Please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
… [ new ] New Crypto Trading Page Added (cryptotrading.html.html file added);
… [ new ] Arabic Language Translation Added (“ar-AR” folder, added inside the “locales” folder);
… [ new ] New SVG Icons Added (cryptolock.svg, cryptoset.svg, cryptowallet.svg  files added into the “svg” folder);
… [ new ] New SVG Animation Patterns Added (cryptotrading.svg, cryptostart.svg, cryptoinvest.svg  files added into the “patterns” folder);
… [ new ] New SVG Image Partners Added (pheaa.svg, cocacola.svg, amplify.svg  files added into the “partners” folder);
… [ new ] New SVG Avatars Added (new “avatars” folder added into the “img” folder);
… [ new ] New Top Banner Added (topbanner21.jg file added into the “img” folder);
… [ new ] New Slick Slider Added (scripts.js & scripts.min.js files changed);
… [ fixed ] Slick Slider Plugin Custom (style.css & style.min.css files changed);
… [ fixed ] Magnific Popup Plugin Close Button Fixed (magnetic-popup.css file changed);
… [ fixed ] Slick Slider Plugin in RTL Version Fixed (style-rtl.css & style-rtl.min files changed);
… [ added ] ES & AR Language Translation Added (es-ES and ar-AR folder added into the “locales” folder);
… [ changed ]  ES & AR Language Translation Implemented (header.html file changed);
… [ changed ]  ES & AR Language Translation Implemented (footer.html file changed);
… [ fixed ] WHMCS Pricing List Fixed (style.css & style.min.css files changed);
… [ updated ] Bootstrap Updated To The Latest Version 5.2.2 (bootstrap.min.css & bootstrap.min.js replaced);
… [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated (policy.html file changed)

Maintenance Release

… [fixed] Order Form TOS Checkbox Fixed  (checkout.tpl file changed)
… [fixed] Order Form Background Color Fixed (main.css & style.css files changed)
… [fixed] Order Form Layout Fixed  (configuredomains.tpl file changed)
… [fixed] WHMCS Google Connect Login Error Fixed  (main.js & main.min.js files changed)

Version 3.4 – Set 12nd, 2022

… [fixed] User Account Management Checkbox Fixed  (main.css & main.min.css files changed)
… [fixed] WHMCS Dropdown Menu Fixed  (main.css & main.min.css files changed)
… [fixed] Product Addons Page Fixed  (main.css & main.min.css files changed)
… [fixed] WHMCS RTL Checkbox Fixed   (rtl.css file changed)
… [fixed] WHMCS Order Form Checkout Page Fixed (style.css file changed)
… [fixed] Managing Nameservers Page Fixed (clientareadomaindetails.tpl file changed)
… [fixed] Managing Contact Information Page Fixed (clientareadomaincontactinfo.tpl file changed)
… [fixed] Register Nameservers Page Fixed (clientareadomainregisterns.tpl file changed)
… [new] New SVG Animation Images Added (svn.svg; vpnmonitoring.svg; vpnresources.svg and vpnremote.svg files added)
… [new] New Next-Gen Business VPN Solution Added (vpn.html file added)
… [updated] Documentation Folder Updated (policy.html file changed)

Version 3.3 – Aug 13nd, 2022

… [ fixed ] WHMCS Invoice Pay Stripe Style Fixed (main.css & main.min.css files changed)
… [ fixed ] WHMCS Invoice Pay Stripe Page Fixed (invoice-payment.tpl & invoice-summary files changed)
… [ fixed ] WHMCS Invoice Pay Stripe Layout Fixed (billing-address.tpl file changed)
… [ fixed ] WHMCS Invoice Pay Ofline CC Fixed (inputs.tpl file changed)
… [ fixed ] Default Order Forms layout Fixed (main.css & main.min.css files changed)
… [ changed ] Client Area Overview Layout Changed (main.css & main.min.css files changed)
… [ changed ] Client Area Home Layout Changed (clientareahome.tpl file changed)
… [ changed ] Client Area Domain Details Layout Changed (clientareadomaindetails.tpl file changed)
… [ changed ] Site Look Store Page Layout Changed (store -> sitelock -> index.tpl file changed)
… [ changed ] Spam Experts Store Page Layout Changed (store -> spamexperts -> index.tpl file changed)
… [ changed ] SSL Store Page Layout Changed (store -> ssl -> index.tpl file changed)

Version 3.2.1 – Jun 20nd, 2022

... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Updated To The Latest v8.5.1 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [fixed] WHMCS Invoice Pay Stripe Style Fixed (main.css & main.min.css files changed)
... [fixed] WHMCS Invoice Pay Stripe Page Fixed (invoice-payment.tpl & invoice-summary files changed)
... [fixed] WHMCS Invoice Pay Stripe Layout Fixed (billing-address.tpl file changed)
... [fixed] WHMCS Invoice Pay Ofline CC Fixed (inputs.tpl file changed)

Version 3.2 – Jun 14nd, 2022

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + Order Form:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Updated To The Latest v8.5 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Updated To The Latest v8.5 (Please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Contact Form Full Screen Mode Fixed (main.css & main.min.css files changed)
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Mobile Menu Fixed (style.css & style.min.css files changed)
... [ added ] Antler Managed SEO Serviced Page Added (seo.html file added)
... [ fixed ] Order Form Promotion Code Input Fixed (viewcart.tpl file changed)
... [ fixed ] Order Form Font Color Fixed (checkout.tpl file changed)

Version 3.1 – May 31nd, 2022

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + Order Form + RTL Updated:
... [ new ] WHMCS Client Area Offcanvas sidebar Integration (menu.tpl file changed);
... [ added ] WHMCS RTL Offcanvas Backdrop Added (style-rtl.css & style-rtl.min.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area  Multilingual Fixed (head.tpl file changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area Contact Page Fixed Update (contact.tpl file changed);
... [ updated ] Fontawesome Updated To The Latest Version (several files changed);
... [ new ] WHMCS Client Area Menu Integration (menu.tpl, style.css, style.min.css files changed);
... [ new ] WHMCS Client Area Checkboxes Fixed (main.css, main.min.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area Home Page Fixed (features.tpl, main.js & main.min.js files changed);
... [ changed ] WHMCS Client Area Footer Changed (footer.tpl file changed);
... [ fixed ] Antler Demo Template Offcanvas Fixed (header.html file changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Order Form Datatables Fixed (domainregister.tpl, style.css & style.min.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Order Form Promo Code Field Fixed (checkout.tpl file changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Order Form Complete Page Fixed (complete.tpl file changed);
... [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated. (index.html file changed).

Version 3.0 – May 01nd, 2022

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + Order From + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Full Update (several files changed);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Full Update (several files changed);
... [ updated ] Fontawesome Updated To The Latest Version (several files changed);
... [ updated ] Typed Plugin Updated To The Latest Version (typed.js file updated);
... [ added ] Flickity Slider Added (flickity.min.css & flickity.pkgd.min.css files added);
... [ added ] Evafeat Font Added (directory: antler -> assets -> fonts -> evafeat);
... [ new ] New Sidebar Settings Implemented (settings.js, settings.tpl & settings-init.js files  added);
... [ changed ] Main Files Changed (style.css + style.min.css & scripts.js + scripts.min.js files changed);
... [ removed ] OWL Carousel Removed (in antler demo & WHMCS client area);
... [ removed ] Covervid Plugin Removed (in antler demo & WHMCS client area).
... [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated. (index.html & policy.html files changed);

Version 2.8.1 – March 04nd, 2022

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + Order Form Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Updated To The Latest v8.4.1 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Updated To The Latest v8.4.1 (Please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ fixed ] Links On Menu Was Fixed (style.css & style.min.css files changed);

Version 2.8 – January 22nd, 2022

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.4 (all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ new ] New Radio Stream Page (radiostream.html file added);
... [ new ] New SVGs Animation Files Added (radiostream.svg + worldstream.svg files added);
... [ added ] New Left Sidebar Added (settings.html file changed);
... [ changed ] All HTML Files Changed (full HTML files changed);
... [ changed ] Main Files Changed (style.css + style.min.css and scripts.js + scripts.min.js files changed);
... [ changed ] Main RTL Files Changed (style-rtl.css and style-rtl.min.css files changed);
... [ changed ] Added new Link Header in Pages Menu Section (header.html file changed);
... [ changed ] i18next Language Translation JSON files Changed (translations.json files changed);
… [ removed ] Minor Fixes ( “sidebar.js” script, removed );

Version 2.7 – January 14nd, 2022

Antler RTL Version Implemented On Main Template:
… [changed] “bootstrap-rtl.min.css & style-rtl.min.css” tag links, implemented on the head of HTML files;
… [changed] “class="ltr" class, implemented on the “bootstrap.min.css” tag link inside all HTML files;
… [added] “rtl” folder, added into the “css” folder. ( “bootstrap-rtl.min.css & style-rtl.min.css” files added );
… [changed] “style.css & style.min.css” style css files, changed;
… [changed] “scripts.js & scripts.min.js” js files, changed;
… [changed] “settings.js & settings-init.js” js files, changed;
… [changed] “settings.html” file changed. ( RTL Version implemented into the sidebar );
… [fixed] GDPR Cookies Tab Color Scheme fixed ( styles.css and styles.min.css changed );
… [removed] “template-rtl” folder, removed inside the main folder;
… [removed] “antler-rtl” folder removed inside the “whmcs-template” folder;
… [removed] “antler-rtl” folder removed inside the “order-form” folder;
… [changed] Documentation File Changed ( index.html & fax.html files, changed ).

Version 2.6 – January 7nd, 2022

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.3.2 (no changes between versions at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Updated To The Latest v8.3.2 (no changes between versions at WHMCS official page.);
... [ added ] Sidebar Settings Added (settings.html and settings.js files added.);
... [ new ] Layout Mode Implemented (wide, frame, boxed and wide boxed implemented inside the settings.html file.);
... [ new ] Background Style Implemented (origin, light, dark mode implemented inside the settings.html file.);
... [ new ] Black Mode Color Scheme Implemented (implemented inside the settings.html file.);
... [ new ] Header Position Implemented (static and fixed menu implemented inside the settings.html file.);
... [ new ] Body Font Style added (open sans, Poppins, nunito and raceway font implemented inside the settings.html file.);
... [ new ] New Javascript File Added (settings-init.js files added.);
... [ changed ] Several Design Style Changes (full replacement of the filter.css, style.css and style.min.css style files.);
... [ changed ] Several Function Added (full replacement of the scripts.js and scripts.min.css javascript files.);
... [ removed ] Open Sans Font Removed (open sans folder removed. directory: template -> fonts -> opensans);
... [ changed ] All HTML Files Changed (compare old and new files and replacing.);
... [ changed ] All SVG Animation Patterns changed (replace all svg files inside the patterns folder.);
... [ removed ] Colors Folder Removed Inside The "css" Folder (pink.css, blue.css and green.css files, removed).

Version 2.5 – Nov 2nd, 2021

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.3.1 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Updated To The Latest v8.3.1 (please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] Bootstrap Updated To The Latest Version 5.1.3 (bootstrap.min.css & bootstrap.min.js replaced);
... [ fixed ] Tabs Slider Was Fixed (dedicated.html, domains.html & elements.html, files changed);
... [ changed ] Custom Tabs Style Changed (style.css and style.min.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] Vertically Middle Aligned Text On Tables Fixed (style.css and style.min.css files changed).

Version 2.4 – Aug 6nd, 2021

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.2.1 (check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] Bootstrap Updated To The Latest Version 5.1.0 (bootstrap.min.css & bootstrap.min.js replaced);
... [ changed ] Documentation File Changed (index.html file changed));
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Newsletter Template Fixed ( “content.html” file changed);
... [ added ] Two New Set Buttons Added (header.html, style.css & style.min.css files changed + RTL);
... [ added ] A New Dark Color Mode Added (header.html, style.css, style.min.css & all HTML files changed + RTL)
... [ added ] A New CSS Style File Added (dark.css file added + RTL);
... [ added ] A New “custom.css” Tag Link Added (all HTML files changed + RTL);
... [ fixed ] Order Form RTL  Product Menu Fixed (product.tpl file changed);
... [ changed ] Magnific Popup Video Resizing  Changed (magnific-popup.css file changed);
... [ fixed ] Some SVG Animation Patterns was Fixed (promopath.svg & hostingpanel.svg files fixed);
... [ fixed ] Widget Was Fixed (scripts.js & scripts.min.js files changed);
... [ changed ] All HTML Files Changed (please, compare with your HTML files);
... [ changed ] The Mandatory CSS Style’s Changed (style.css & style.min.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] OWL Carousel Text Overlay On Mobile Fixed (all HTML files that have OWL have been fixed);
... [ added ] Set Active Color On Load Page Added (scrips.js & scripts.min.js files changed).

Version 2.3 – June 20nd, 2021

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.2 (Please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Updated To The Latest v8.2 (Please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ fixed ] Announcement Section Fixed (header.tpl file changed);
... [ fixed ] Switching Discount Value Fixed (hosting.html, scripts.js & scripts.min.js files changed);
... [ updated ] Product Addons Page On Order Form Updated  (style.css & style.rtl.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] Product Addons Page On Order Form RTL Version Fixed (style.rtl.css file changed);

Version 2.2.2 – May 11nd, 2021

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
… [ fixed ] Link To Return WHMCS Admin Area Was Fixed (header.tpl file changed);
… [ changed ] Blog Page Was Changed (blog-details.html and style.min.css files changed);
… [ removed ] Blog Page Removed (blog.html file removed);
… [ added ] Added New Blog Page (blog-grid.html file added);
… [ minified ] nouislider.js File Minified (vps.html & pricing.html files changed );
… [ minified ] gdpr-cookie.js File Minified (footer.html file changed);
… [ minified ] jquery.circliful.min.js File Minified;
… [ fixed ] Language Switching Button Fixed {footer.html changed}

Version 2.2.1 – March 2nd, 2021

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.1.3 (Please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ added ] WHMCS Order Form New Files Included (addons.tpl & common.tpl files added);
... [ changed ] Order Form CSS Style Changed (style.css & style-rtl.css files changed);
... [ changed ] WHMCS Client Area CSS Style Changed (main.css & main-rtl.css files changed);
... [ changed ] WHMCS Client Area CSS Color Style Changed (pink.css, green.css & blue.css files changed);

Version 2.2 – January 5nd, 2021

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.1 (Please, check all changes at WHMCS official page.);
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Template Updated (products.tpl & style.css files changed);
... [ updated ] JQuery Main File Updated To The Latest 3.5.1 Version (jquery.min.js file updated);
... [ updated ] Isotope Package File Updated To The Latest 3.0.6 Version (isotope.min.js file updated);
... [ updated ] Countdown Plugin File Updated To The Latest 2.2.0 Version (jquery.countdown.js file updated);
... [ updated ] Mixitup 3 Plugin File Updated To The Latest 2.2.0 Version (mixitup.min.js file updated);
... [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated. (index.html & policy.html files changed);
... [ changed ] Home Image Page Changed (homeimage.html file changed, style.css & style.min.css changed);
... [ fixed ] Range Slider On Dedicated Page Was Fixed  (dedicated.html file changed).

WHMCS Updated

WHMCS Client Area Template
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.0.4.

Version 2.1.7 – October 27nd, 2020

WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v8.0.3.

Version 2.1.6 – October 6nd, 2020

WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template v8.0.1 Already Been Available;
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Template Updated.

Version 2.1.5 – August 30nd, 2020

Antler &  WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ changed ] The “custom.css” Tag Link Has Been Changed In The “head.tpl” File. (head.tpl file changed);
… [ changed ] CSS Style Of Antler RTL Has Been Changed (rtl.css & main-rtl.css files changed)

Maintenance – June 19nd, 2020

WHMCS Client Area:
... [ removed ] Multilingual Condition to RTL & LTR Language Was Removed Of The "header.tpl" File (header.tpl file changed);
... [ added ] Multilingual Condition to RTL & LTR Language Was Added To The "head.tpl" File (head.tpl file changed);

Version 2.1.4 – June 14nd, 2020

WHMCS Client Area + Order Form Template + RTL Updated:
... [ new ] The "auto-rtl" Folder Added Into The “css” Folder;
... [ added ] CSS Styles Files In RTL Format Added To The "auto-rtl" Folder. (Three RTL files added);
... [ new ] New "auto-rtl" Folder Added Into The “js” Folder;
... [ added ] CSS Styles Files In RTL Format Added To The "auto-rtl" Folder. (one RTL file added);
... [ changed ] In RTL Version The Name “main.js” File, Was Changed To “main-rtl.js”;
... [ remove ] The “main.js” Link Has Been Removed From The “head.tpl” File. (head.tpl file changed);
... [ changed ] A New RTL Language Condition Was Implemented Into The "header.tpl" File. (header.tpl file changed);
... [ new ] The "auto-rtl" Folder Added Into The “css” Folder On Order Form Template;
... [ changed ] A New RTL Language Condition Was Implemented Into The “products.tpl” File On Order Form Template. (products.tpl” file changed).

Version 2.1.3 – June 4nd, 2020

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template Updated To The Latest v7.10.2;
... [ updated ] Bootstrap Framework Updated To The Latest v4.5.3 (bootstrap.min.css & bootstrap.min.js replaced);
... [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated. (index.html file changed);
... [ changed ] WHMCS Client Area Announcements Changed (main.css file changed);
... [ fixed ] Sticky Menu Of WHMCS Client Area Was Fixed  (main.css & main-rtl.css files changed).

Version 2.1.2 – April 18nd, 2020

WHMCS Client Area And Order Form + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template v7.10.1 Already Been Available;
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form  Template Updated.

Version 2.1.1 – April 11nd, 2020

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template v7.10 Already Been Available;
... [ updated ] WHMCS Order Form Template Updated (products.tpl & style.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] Antler Demo Template Menu Mobile Was Fixed (header.html file changed);
... [ fixed ] Home Gaming Page Hover Plans Fixed (homegaming.html file changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area Sidebar RTL Fixed (main-rtl.css file changed);
... [ added ] WHMCS Client Area Back To Top RTL Added (header.tpl & main-rtl.css files changed).

Version 2.1 – March 18nd, 2020

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template v7.9.2 Already Been Available;
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area Dropdown Account Nav Divider Fixed (main.css changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area Color Buttons Of The Home Page Fixed (main.css changed);
... [ updated ] noUISlider Javascript Range Slider Updated (style.css & style.min.css, nouislider.js &  nouislider.css changed);
... [ new ]  New Home Gaming Page (homegaming.html file added, style.css & style.min.css changed);
... [ new ]  New Home 3D Page (home3d.html file added, style.css & style.min.css changed);
... [ fixed ] Responsive Devices Layout  Fixed (several HTML files changed).

Version 2.0.9 – February 6nd, 2020

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ fixed ] Menu Mobile Was Fixed (header.html & style.css + style.min.css changed) & RTL;
... [ fixed ] Full Width Covervid Plugin Fixed (style.css + style.min.css changed) & RTL;
... [ added ] WHMCS Client Area Dropdown Account After Login Added (main.css file & header.tpl changed) & RTL
... [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated. (index.html & policy.html files changed);
... [ updated ] JQuery Main File Updated To The Latest 3.4.1 Version (jquery.min.js updated).

Version 2.0.8 – January 10nd, 2020

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template + RTL Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template v7.9 Already Been Available (v7.9.1 up on the 20th);
... [ new ] Dedicated Server 3D Added (dedicatedserver3d.svg file, added in patterns folder);
... [ new ] CPU 3D Added (cloud3d.svg file, added in patterns folder);
... [ new ] Dedicated Server 3D Added ( editable file, added in graphic folder);
... [ new ] CPU 3D Added ( editable file, added in graphic folder);
... [ added ] Scrollme Plugin Added At Antler Template & RTL (jquery.scrollme.min.js file added);
... [ changed ] Menu Changed (header.html file changed);
… [ changed ] Main CSS Files Changed. (style.css and style.min.css minify files changed);
… [ changed ] Main CSS File Changed At WHMCS Client Area. (main.css file changed);
… [ changed ] Several HTML Files Changed With New “Scrollme” Plugin (HTML files changed).

Version 2.0.7 – November 25nd, 2019

Antler Demo Template & RTL Version Updated & BlackFriday:
... [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated. (index.html & policy.html files changed);
... [ added ] TeamSpeaker Server Hosting Page Added (voice.html file added to Antler demo template);
... [ added ] Blackfriday Page Added (blackfriday.html file added to Antler demo template);
... [ new ] Top Banner Blackfriday Image Added To Homepage (index.html file changed);
... [ new ] Open Sans Font GZIP Compression (all Open Sans font family changed);
... [ fixed ] Some Bugs In Internet Explorer Browser fixed (style.css file changed);
… [changed] Color CSS Files Updated (pink.css, green.css & blue.css files changed);
… [new] Six New Images Added To “Img” Folder (all images are used in voice.html page and start with the "bf-" abbreviation.);
… [ changed ] Main JS And CSS Files Changed. (style.css & scripts.js (& minify files) files changed).
… [ changed ] Two New Links Added To Megamenu. (header.html file changed).

Version 2.0.6 – November 6nd, 2019

Antler Demo Template & RTL Version Updated & Ultra Performance:
... [ new ] Improved Native Lazy Loading Images (several HTML pages changed);
... [ added ] Native Lazy Loading File Added (lazysizes.min.js file added);
... [ new ] Modern Asynchronous CSS Loading (several HTML pages changed);
... [ added ] Main JS And CSS Files Minified. (style.min.css & scripts.min.js files added);
... [ changed ] Main JS And CSS Files Changed. (style.css & scripts.js files changed);
... [ updated ] All SVG files Compressed & Optimised. (inside patterns folder);
... [ updated ] OWL Carousel Plugins Updated. (owl-carrousel.min.css & owl-carrousel.min.js files updated );
... [ updated ] OWL Carousel Plugins Updated. (owl-carrousel.min.css & owl-carrousel.min.js files updated );
... [ updated ] Swiper Plugin Updated (swiper.min.css & swiper.min.js files added and updated);
… [ updated ] Animated Plugin Updated (animate.min.css file updated);
... [ changed ] Countdown File Minified. (query.countdown.js file changed);
... [ updated ] Typed Plugin Updated (typed.js file updated);
... [ updated ] All HTML files was Changed (Pre-fetch pages for super fast browsing);

Version 2.0.5 – October 2nd, 2019

WHMCS Client Area And Email Template Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template v7.8.3 Already Been Available;
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Homepage Features Section Was Fixed in RTL Version (header.tpl & main-rtl.css files changed)
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Email Template Layout Was Fixed To Outlook Email Clients (header.html & footer.html files changed);

Version 2.0.4 – September 23nd, 2019

Antler Documentation Updated:
... [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated In The Overview & FAQ Sections (copyright.html file added);
... [ changed ] Right Element Image On OWL Carousel was fixed In WHMCS Client Area Template (main.css & main-rtl.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] Logo header and footer height was fixed (style.css & style-rtl.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] Social Network Buttons Style On WHMCS Was Fixed (main.css & main-rtl.css files changed);
... [ added  ] - Empty Page Added on Antler Demo Template (empty.html file added).

Version 2.0.3 – September 12nd, 2019

Antler Template Updated:
... [ added ] Gaming Server Page Already Available (gaming.html file added);
... [ added ] Gaming SVG Pattern Added (gaming.svg file, added in patterns folder);
... [ changed ] Menu Changed (header.html file changed);
... [ changed ] CSS Style Changed (style.css file changed);

Version 2.0.2 – September 09nd, 2019

Maintenance Release:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template v7.8.2 Already Been Available;
... [ added ] CoverVid Responsive Video Plugin Added At WHMCS Client Area Template & RTL (header.tpl, head.tpl & main.css files changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Client Area RTL version fixed (head.tpl file changed).

Version 2.0.1 – September 03nd, 2019

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template v7.8.1 Already Been Available;
... [ added ] WHMCS Client Area RTL Template  v7.8.1 Already Been Available;
... [ added ] WHMCS Order Form RTL Template Already Been Available;
... [ added ] Antler RTL Template Already Been Available;
... [ added ] Page Preloading Effect Added To WHMCS Client Area (header.tpl & main.js files changed);
... [ fixed ] Mixitup Range Slider Style Has Fixed To Firefox Browser (style.css file updated);
... [ fixed ] Label “Most Popular” Was Fixed To WHMCS Order Form (style.css file updated);

Version 2.0 ( 2019.06.12 )

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template Updated:
... [ added ] Dynamic HREF Link Value In Slider-ui - vps.html Page Integration With WHMCS Client Area;
... [ added ] Pagination To Indicate A Series Of Related Content Exists Across Multiple Pages (Added In Blog Page);
... [ added ] - Widget Live Chat, Added And Already Available On WHMCS Client Area;
... [ fixed ] Full Screen Background Video Fixed In the “Homevideo.html file”;
... [ added ] All SVG Animation Patterns was converted to PNG Format to more Performance. (Find Inside Patterns Folder)
... [ changed ] Documentation Folder Updated In The Overview & FAQ Sections.

Version 1.9 ( 2019.04.17 )

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template Updated:
... [ added ] WHMCS Newsletter Template Already Available (newsletter folder added to Antler pack);
... [ redesign ] WHMCS Email Template New Redesign (email folder added to Antler pack);
... [ added ] News Block Added On Top The Page (style.css file updated);
... [ fixed ] Missing png files were fixed in the style.css file (style.css file updated);
... [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated In The Overview & FAQ Sections;
... [ changed ] Menu Changed (header.html file changed);
... [ changed ] CSS Style Changed (style.css file changed);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Template Minor Layout Fixes (main.css file updated);
... [ fixed ] Antler Demo Template Minor Layout Fixes;

Version 1.8 ( 2019.03.20 )

Antler Template Updated:
... [ updated ] Bootstrap Framework v4.3.1 Updated;
... [ add ] Reduce Render-Blocking Scripts ( "defer" attribute added in all HTML files);
... [ add ] Organised Style Sheets inline Critical CSS And Uncritical;
... [ updated ] HTML And CSS Files Markup Validation - W3C;
... [ add ] Terms Of The Privacy Policy added ( RGPD input box added in all contact forms);
... [ changed ] Menu Changed (header.html file changed);
... [ changed ] Language Translate JSON files was changed (translations.json).

Version 1.7 ( 2019.03.11 )

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template Updated:
... [ new ] WHMCS Email Template Already Available (email folder added to Antler pack);
... [ fixed ] OWL Carousel Already Been Fixed To Screen Windows Reduced (style.css file);
... [ added ] Video Added In WHMCS Client Area  (planet.mp4 file);
... [ fixed ] Style And Compatibility Fixes With Internet Explorer Browser (style.css file)

Version 1.6 ( 2019.02.26 )

WHMCS Client Area Template Updated:
... [ updated ] WHMCS Client Area Template v7.7.1 Already Been Available.

Version 1.5 ( 2019.02.21 )

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template Updated:
... [ new ] New Home Page Video Already Available (homevideo.html);
... [ new ] New Home Page Image Already Available (homeimage.html);
... [ changed ] Menu Changed (header.html file changed);
... [ changed ] CSS Style Changed (style.css file changed);
... [ changed ] Language Translate JSON files was changed (translations.json);
... [ added ] New video Added (server.mp4 & planet.mp4 files);
... [ fixed ] OWL Carousel Responsive Fix To Firefox (style.css file);
... [ fixed ] WHMCS Dropdown Menu On Scroll Fixed (main.css file);
... [ fixed ] Order Summary box was Fixed in Configuration Page (main.css file);

Version 1.4 ( 2019.02.14 )

Antler Template & Documentation Updated:
... [ added ] New IPTV Page Already Available (iptv.html file);
... [ added ] New VOIP - Virtual Numbers Already Available (voip.html);
... [ changed ] Megamenu Changed (header.html file changed);
... [ changed ] CSS Style Changed (style.css file changed);
... [ changed ] Concept file Changed ( editable “AI” file changed);
... [ added ] New SVGs Animation Added (iptv.svg - alldevices.svg - voice.svg & virtualnumbers.svg files);
... [ added ] New Images Added (topbanner010.jpg & pbanner011.jpg files);
... [ fixed ] Issues Related With Optimisation and Performance fixed (all HTML files updated and fixed);
... [ updated ] Documentation Folder Updated (section (FAQ) added with new questions);
... [ added ] Change-log File Added (chronologically ordered list of changes for each version of a project added to the item)

Version 1.3 ( 2019.02.01 )

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template Updated:
... [ add ] New Promo Page Already Available;
... [ add ] New promo Pattern Added;
... [ add ] Singular Countdown Added;
... [ fix ] OWL Carousel Already Been Fixed To Screen Windows Reduced (mobile);
... [ fix ] WHMCS Template Minor Layout Fixes;

Version 1.2 ( 2019.01.23 )

Antler & WHMCS Client Area Template Updated:
... [ up ] WHMCS Client Area Template v7.7 Already Been Available;
... [ fix ] WHMCS Template Minor Layout Fixes;
... [ add ] Sophisticated Email Security With Spam Experts;
... [ add ] Payment Methods And Systems;
... [ fix ] Numerous Element improvements.

Version 1.1 ( 2019.01.16 )

Antler Template Update:
... [ add ] Two Mega Menus (List & Grid);
... [ add ] G Suite by Google (gsuite.html page);
... [ fix ] Some CSS Style Code (style.css file)

Version 1.0 ( 2019.01.10 )

Antler - Hosting Provider & WHMCS Template:
... [ begin ] "...;

Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible With

Bootstrap 4.x

Demo Url


Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
