Appbiz– Apps Landing HTML Template.

  • Reviews:



Pls Contact For Support: Skype: mdsalam2021 The Appbiz template comes with 10 Unique layouts of Apps landing page layouts. This template is easily customized and fully responsive and support to all modern browser and devices.
Appbiz is an incredible Apps HTML5 and Bootstrap 4 Template. This HTML template will suit Apps Landing, Mobile, Watch, Blog, Business One, And Multi-Page landing and Technology websites.
Appbiz includes very smooth animation which makes your website more beautiful.
This template modern design, clean codes, elegant curves, practical layouts and easy to customize, easy to change color, and many more.


Template Features

  1. Seven Home Page Unique layouts
  2. Sticky and normal menus
  3. Valid HTML5 & CSS3
  4. Well organized codes
  5. Blog Page Variation
  6. Easy to Customize
  7. Unique, Clean and Modern Design
  8. Built Based on Bootstrap
  9. Fully Mobile Responsive
  10. Cross Browser Optimization
  11. Google font
  12. Font awesome
  13. Contact Form mailing
  14. Social Media Integration
  15. JQuery Light box Integrated
  16. Youtube Video supported.
  17. Best Customer Supports


30 August 18(V1.7)

Fix slider issues.

11 August 18(V1.7)

Add two new demo

03 August 18 (V1.5)

Add mailing system

02 August 18

Add mailing system
Add new Demo
Background Pallax added
Video Background
Responsive Improvement

28 July 18

Wave version 2 header section improvement

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible With

Bootstrap 4.x

Demo Url


Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

PHP Files


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