AppKit Mobile

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Appkit is the most complete Mobile kit on Envato

Powered by Bootstrap 4 with a gorgeous PWA to accompany it. Our customers love it’s simplicity, elegance and power. It’s a Mobile Website and Progressive Web App, All in One!

We carefully studied and listend to your feedback and created the Footer Menu that powers Appkit but also added a Sidebar for the classic users. It’s flexible, fast to navigate around your pages and is
the essential took in our Mobile Kit.

PWA – Progressive Web Application Ready

Add AppKit to Your Homescreen to navigate it and enjoy the experience at its highest. It provides both badges or action sheets styled for Android and iOs.

Dark & Light Mode + Color Highlights

AppKit is a Highly customisable Template! Firstly, it comes with two skins: Dark & Light for a beautiful interface. Secondly, we’ve added the beloved highlight system to help you visualise how your content looks like with different colours.

Copy & Paste Components – Create Your Own Pages

Appkit is powered by hundreds of flexible, easy to customize and perfectly designed to offer you tons of design options and choices. Just copy & paste them to your page and you’re good to go!

Appkit is built with Purpose – Education, Finance, Commerce, News, Blog or any Idea

AppKit is ready if you’re ready! There is a page for every idea you may have. Staring with Multipurpose pages such as “About Us”, “Careers”, “Coverpage” and so on, up to Account Pages, Education, Finance, Events & Places, Commerce, News & Blog, Starters and many more! Don’t find a page exactly as you envision it? Create your own with AppKit’s super flexible components:

  • Advertisment Boxes
  • Ad Show on Scroll
  • Add to Home Banners and Badges
  • Accordions – Multiple Styles
  • Action Sheets & Action Modals
  • Auto Dark Mode and Color Highlight Retention
  • Buttons & Icons – Multiple Styles
  • Back to Home Badge and Icon
  • Cards for Content / Cards with Images / Cards With Effects
  • Charts & Graphs powered by charts.js
  • Chips with Light and Dark Styles
  • Cookie Boxes
  • Consent Boxes
  • Cards with Gradients, Solid Colors or Background Images
  • Color Packs with Examples
  • Columns
  • Contact Form – Functional with AJAX
  • Collapse / Dropdown Elements
  • Dividers – Multiple Styles and Icons
  • Disqus Comments Integration
  • Emoji with Unicode
  • File Upload – Web API integrated
  • Facebook Comments Integration
  • Geolocation – Web API Integrated
  • Google Fonts – 600 to choose from
  • Header Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts
  • Footer Bar Styles with Badges and Multiple Layouts
  • Gorgeous and Awesome Header & Footer Shapes
  • Image Effects on Tap – Scale, Grayscale, Blur
  • Images Preloaded & CSS Backgrounds Preloaded
  • Images with Infinite Background Effect
  • Link Lists with Badge and iOS/Android Switch Support
  • List Groups with Icons and Multiple Styles
  • Notifications Styled like iOS, Android and Bootstrap
  • Notification Alerts Large or Small with or without Icons
  • OS Detection – show content based on iOS or Android
  • Online & Offline Detection and Banners
  • Quotes and Review Elements
  • QR Code Generator or pre-generate for your existing page
  • Pagination styles enhanced from Bootstrap
  • Preloaders with multiple styles and colors
  • Pricing Tables with multiple styles insertable in Carousel/Slider
  • Reading Time Calculator – estimated time to read page
  • Snackbars & Toasts, with multiple styles and designs
  • Sliders and Carousels, powered by enhanced OwlCarousel
  • Social Sharing with automatic link adding from the page you share
  • Search System, functional with any element finding options
  • Tabs designed like iOS and Android pills
  • Toggles – iOS, Android & Classic Styled
  • User Lists & Groups with multiple styles
  • Vibrate API integration for Android vibrate on tap

Media – Tap your images, feel your projects

A whole new experience is available with AppKit’s Media Pages. The galleries are more gorgeous than ever, with brand new asymmetric thumbnails to help you showcase your products and experience is a unique way! Moreover, portfolios are breathtaking! New interfaces for the new generation of mobile websites and apps.

  • Multiple Styles for Wide Galleries
  • Asymmetric Galleries for a Gorgeous User Interface
  • Collection Views – Album Styled thumbnails that can link to other pages
  • Views Gallery – Select between 1, 2 or 3 columns per view
  • Filterable Gallery – Selectable with Links
  • Filterable Gallery – Selectable with Select Boxes
  • Selected Portfolio/Project Item with Examples of Content ( can use any component )
  • Instant Portfolios – Similar to Facebook’s or Google’s Instant Articles on Mobile

Page Templates – Esential Pages designed to feel like a Native Mobile Experience

Multi Purpose

  • About Us
  • Careers
  • Contact
  • Chat Heads
  • Chat List
  • Cover Page
  • Interests
  • Instants
  • Profile Classic
  • Profile Views
  • Profile Instagram
  • Timeline Center
  • Timeline Left
  • Team Page
  • V-Card


  • Dashboard
  • Profile Edit
  • Sign In
  • Sign Up
  • Forgot


  • Courses List
  • Course Chapters
  • Course Example
  • Quiz Page
  • Quiz Modal
  • ToDo Lists
  • Knowledge Base


  • Plan Tabs
  • Price Tables
  • Subscrip[tion Bars
  • Wallet
  • Wallet Cards

Events & Places

  • Event
  • Event Details
  • Places
  • Calendars
  • Work Hours


  • Homepage
  • Product 1
  • Product 2
  • Product 3
  • Food Menu
  • Listing
  • Cart 1
  • Cart 2
  • Checkout
  • Invoice
  • Order Tracking
  • Store Actions

News & Blog

  • Homepage
  • Article 1
  • Article 2
  • Listing
  • Categories

Start Pages

  • 4 Splash Screens
  • 4 Walkthrough Slides

Other Uses

  • Colors
  • Maintenance
  • Error 404
  • Error 404 Card
  • System Status
  • Terms of Service
  • Under Construction

Changelog & Updates

Thinking about new and awesome features you’d like us to add? Let us know! We’re always listening to your suggestions ->

Version 3.2.1 – 18th Nov 2023
This is a maintenance update to give Appkit more performance and stability! We got more packs coming for you soon!

- Maintenance - Improved Menu/Action Sheet Overlay quality and performance
- Bugfix - Edge case where contact form would not send message and email field
- Bugfix - Social Pack Twitter Timeline post would not apply decorative line

Replace line 29 in custom.js to apply the update to the menu system

Version 3.2 – 22nd July 2023
Appkit now comes with 9 Social Network pages for your social ideas! You asked, we brought it! Check them in Pages -> Social Pages

- Added - 2x Facebook Profile & Post Page
- Added - 2x Twitter Profile & Post Page
- Added - 2x Instagram Profile & Post Page
- Added - 1x Quora Style Page
- Added - Matching Action Sheets and Modals
- Global - Updated to Bootstrap 5.2
- Updated Documentation to reflect all awesome changes we've added to Appkit throughout all updates.

Version 3.1.1 – 8th January 2023
More packs coming to Appkit soon! Send your feedback and tell us what you would like added to AppKit via our contact form (link).

- Maintenance: Updated to Bootstrap 5.2 for better performance and stability.

Version 3.1 – 6h April 2022
Appkit now comes 14 Pet & Vet Pages! View them in Pages -> Pet and Vet

- Added - 1 Splash Page Style
- Added - 3 Homepage Styles
- Added - 2 About Page Styles
- Added - 2 Article Page Styles
- Added - Pets Category
- Added - Pets Listing List
- Added - Pets Listing Grid
- Added - Pets Contact Page
- Added - Pets Reserve Page
- Added - Pets Match Maker Page
- Bugfix - Typo edits in health, photo and task listings

Version 3.0 – 11th March 2022
Appkit now comes System Pages. Sign In, Sign Up, Forgot, Error, Coming Soon and One Time Passcode

- Added - 2 Sign In Page Styles
- Added - 2 Sign Up Page Styles
- Added - 2 One Time Passcode Page Styles
- Added - 2 Recover Account Styles
- Added - 3 Error Page Styles
- Added - 3 Construction Pages Styles
- Added - One Time Passcode JS Styles
- Bugfix - Resolved an issue affecting Cover Pages for iOS

Version 2.9 – 3rd March 2022
Appkit now comes with FontAwesome 6 with FontAwesome 5 Compatibility Included.

- Global - Updated Icon Library to FontAwesome 6
- Global - FontAwesome 5 will continue to be supported if you still wish to use it.

Version 2.8.1 – 17th February 2022
New Pack coming out in a few weeks! This update is for polish & performance improvements!

- Improvement - Calendar Design and Spacing
- Improvement - Pagination, Back to Top, Tables, improved spacing and typography.
- Improvement - Buttons now have 700 font weight instead of 900, resulting in a cleaner and more modern look.
- Bug Fix - Fixed an Issue Affecting Backdrop for Modals and Menus
- Bug Fix - Sharing page QR generator was not showing
- Bug Fix - Snackbars appeared under Footer Bar

Version 2.8 – 19th January 2022
Health Pages have now been added to Appkit by customer request. View them in Pages -> Health

- Added - Health Homepage - 2 Styles
- Added - Health Procedure - 2 Styles
- Added - Health Schedule
- Added - Health Quiz
- Added - Health Contact
- Added - Health Services Grid
- Added - Health Services List

Version 2.7 – 8th December 2021
Travel Pages have now been added to Appkit by customer request. View them in Pages -> Travel

- Added - Travel Homepage - 2 Styles
- Added - Travel Content Article - 5 Styles
- Added - Travel List
- Added - Travel Grid
- Added - Travel Categories
- Added - Travel Interests
- Added - Travel Cart
- Added - Travel Checkout

Version 2.6 – 19th October 2021
Task Management and Project Management Pages have now been added to Appkit by customer request. View them in Pages -> Task Pack

- Added - Task Homepage and Dashboard
- Added - Task Project View - 2 Styles
- Added - Task List View
- Added - Task Grid View
- Added - Task Action Sheets

Version 2.5.2 – 12th October 2021
We’re super excited to announce full Offline Mode support. Add your assets to the service worker and go offline. Our products are the only Mobile PWA’s to support offline mode on Envato Market. Offline mode is disabled in Live Preview.

- Global - Added full PWA Offline Support.
- Improved - Share Menu now detects and uses Web Share API when possible.

Version 2.5.1 – 21th September 2021

With the release of iOS15, Apple made some changes to the Interface of Safari and how Safari handles full screen pages. We’re happy to announce
that AppKit is now fully compatible with iOS 15. Special thanks to the team from WebKit who listened to all our feedback.

- Global - Improvements for new iOS15 Tab Bar Safari interface.
- Improved - AppKit now supports full cover mode for all iOS versions.

Version 2.5 – 1st September 2021
Photography Pages have now been added to AppKit by customer request. View them in Pages -> Photography Pack.

- Added - 2 x Photography Homepage Styles
- Added - 2 x Photography About Styles
- Added - 3 x Photography Pricing & Subscription
- Added - Photography Calendar Schedule
- Added - Photography Shoot Reservation
- Added - Photography Services
- Bug Fix - Resolved issue with page-profile-2.html main image not showing.
- Bug Fix - Resolved issue with component-reviews images not showing

Version 2.4.1 – 17th August 2021
More packs coming next week! Send your feedback and tell us what you would like added to AppKit via our contact form (link).

- Maintenance: Updated to Bootstrap 5.1 for better performance and stability. 

Version 2.4 – 14th July 2021
Events App Pages Have now been added to AppKit by customer request. View them in Pages -> Events Pack.

- Added - Event Homepage (2x Styles)
- Added - Event Cards
- Added - Event Categories 
- Added - Event Details View
- Added - Event Interests Page
- Added - Event Actions
- Added - Event Calendar Dates & Schedule

Version 2.3 – 26st June 2021
Financial App Pages Have now been added to AppKit by customer request. View them in Pages -> Financial Pack.

- Added - 2x Financial App Homepages.
- Added - Bills Pending and Paid Page
- Added - Invoice Page and Invoice Sheets
- Added - Goals Page and Goals Sheet
- Added - 3x Subscription Style Page.
- Added - Bill History Pages.
- Added - Wallet Cards.
- Added - 2x Wallet Style Pages.
- Added - 10x Financial Action Sheet
- Added - Action Sheets for Transfer, Request, Pay Bill, Invoice and many more.
- Improved - Updated to the latest Bootstrap 5.0.1 Stable Version
- Removed CSS Map Warning from style.css and bootstrap.css 

Version 2.2 – 10th May 2021
As Appkit list of pages grow with each update, the Pages list required a user experience redesign. More awesome Page Packs coming in the following weeks.

- Added - General Pages list page.
- Added - Navigations pack list page. 
- Added - Splash Pack list page.
- Added - Commerce Pack list page.
- Added - Events Pack list page.
- Added - Finance Pack list page.
- Added - Education Pack list page.
- Added - Content Pack list page.
- Added - Food & Restaurant Pack list page.
- Improved - Navigation User Interface and Experience

Version 2.1 – 19th April 2021
Per Customer Request we’ve now included even more content pages

- Added 1 New Homepage for News, Blog & Content Pack 
- Added 5 Article Pages for News, Blog & Content Pack
- Added New Widgets for News, Blog & Content Pack
- Improved page-interests.html in Bootstrap 5.x RTL Version 
- Improved component-collapse.html in Bootstrap 5.x Version 
- Improved Documentation files in Bootstrap 5.x Version

Version 2.0.2 – 11th March 2021
Mobile PWA update for upcoming WebKit / Chrome standards

- Global - Bootstrap 5.x and 4.x Versions PWA Improved
- Improvement - Updated _service-worker.js to new PWA standards (replace _service-worker.js)
- Improvement - In custom.js and at the very top set pwaNoCache = false;

Version 2.0.1 – 1st March, 2021

Appkit now comes in Bootstrap 5.x with NO jQuery dependency (Appkit Version 2.0), written in Vanilla JavaScript. We’ve also included the Bootstrap 4.5 Version with jQuery Dependency (Appkit Version 1.1) and we’ll keep providing support for both version for a long time from now!

23rd February 2021
Appkit now comes in 2 Versions
- Bootstrap 5.x - Vanilla JavaScript, no jQuery Dependency
- Bootstrap 4.5 - jQuery Version
- Both versions have the same, identical features for you to enjoy!
- Added - New gorgeous landing page to compliment the design of Appkit

1st March 2021
Minor Improvements to Documentation

Version 1.1 – 28th January, 2021
Thank you for your feedback! We’ve now added restaurant and food pages.

- Added 12 Food,  Restaurant and Ordering Related Pages and Elements - View in Sidebar -> Pages -> Food & Orders 
- Added 3 Restaurant / Fast Food Styled Homepages
- Added 2 Menu Styles for Ordering
- Added 2 Product Listings and Grids
- Added 2 Product Detail Pages
- Added Copy & Paste to use Food Cards

Version 1.0.1 – 29th October, 2020

  - Fixed - Minor issue occurring on Page V-Card (page-vcard.html) where some users could not download the vcard. 

Version 1.0 – 13th July, 2020

  - Initial Release

Images used are for presentation purposes only and not included in the main download package

Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible With

Bootstrap 5.x

Demo Url


Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

Layered PNG, HTML Files, CSS Files, Sass Files, SCSS Files, JS Files
