Apptastic Mobile

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Apptastic Mobile – An iOS Design Based Mobile Site Template

Apptastic Mobile is the best integration of powerful and easy to customise features combined with seamless and intuitive transition between Dark and Light Mode! Coupled with 6 perfectly balanced color highlights, Apptastic is certainly the Best Mobile product on Envato!

Homepages for Every Style

Apptastic aims to bring more possibilities to the table! This means that you can choose from various page design to make them your Homepage. The homepage is highly important because it is the first impression your users see! Make it count and set the standard high with Apptastic’s Modern Designs!

Apptastic is highly flexible and navigations are no exeption. You can choose from a variety of options, including sidebars, modals, bottom or top navigations. However, we’ve noticed a high adoptability rate in footer menus! And now, Apptastic provides a beautiful, suggestive and non-intrusive footer menu suitable for all devices!

Creative, Copy & Paste Components

Apptastic provides a wide variety of components and many styles for each one of them to help you create even faster than before. Take a look at the full list of components below!

  • Ad Boxes
  • Add to Home Badges
  • Accordions
  • Action Sheets & Action Modals
  • Buttons & Icons with tons of Styles
  • Charts & Graphs powered by charts.js
  • Chips with Light and Dark Styles
  • Cookie Boxes and Consent Boxes
  • Content Boxes with Multiple Styles
  • Contact Form – Functional with AJAX
  • Dropdown Elements
  • Dividers
  • Fixed Footer Styles
  • Google Fonts – 1000 to choose from
  • iOS Header Styles with Multiple Layouts
  • Images Preloaded & CSS Backgrounds Preloaded
  • iOS Styled Headers
  • Link Lists
  • Notifications Styled like iOS, Android and Alerts
  • OS Detection – show content based on iOS or Android
  • Quotes and Review Elements
  • Preloaders
  • Pricing Tables insertable in Carousel/Slider
  • Snackbars & Toasts, with multiple styles
  • Sliders and Carousels, powered by enhanced OwlCarousel
  • Social Sharing with automatic link adding from the page you share
  • Search System, functional with any element finding options
  • Tabs designed like iOS and Android pills

App-tastic Galleries & Portfolios

Showcase your projects and products on a gourgeous mobile display with style. Want to show a pair of gorgeous thumbnails? Or maybe wide shots? Describe a portfolio item in full accuracy? Yes, Yes and Yes! We’ve got you covered!

  • Widescreen Galleries – 3 Caption Positions
  • Collection Galleries – Thumbnail Stacked
  • Views Galleries – Select your Category
  • Thumbnail Galleries – Squared and Rounded Thumbnails
  • 3 Portfolios in One Column View
  • 3 Portfolios in Two Column View

Multi Purpose Pages are Here for You

Apptastic brings a total if 147 Ready to Use Pages that wait for you to make them your own. Add your brand to Apptastic and create the best user interface with our pages. It’s faster than you may think!

  • About Us
  • Careers
  • Cover Page
  • Contact Page – Fully Functional
  • Coming Soon – Classic Styled
  • Coming Soon – App Styled
  • 404 Page – Classic Styled
  • 404 Page – App Styled
  • FAQ Page
  • Sign In / Login – Classic Style
  • Sign In / Login – App Styled
  • Sign Up / Register – Classic Styled
  • Sign Up / Register – App Styld
  • Forgot / Reset Password – Classic Styled
  • Forgot / Reset Password – App Styled
  • Coming Soon Page
  • Timeline – Left Aligned
  • Timeline – Center Aligned
  • Profile – iOS Styled
  • System Status
  • Task Progress
  • Under Construction – Classic Styled
  • Under Construction – App Styled
  • Terms of Service

App-Like Feeling

It wouldn’t be named like this if it wasn’t for the seamless experience Apptastic provides through its app-like pages! Walkthrough pages and Splash screens are also available to help you transform your website into a great online experience!

Apptastic Mobile is a Powerhouse

Your imagination is the only aspect that may put a stop to Apptastic’s powers! You can integrate it with all your ideas and finish your project ten times faster than before.

High Quality Support – Always Here for You

We take great pride for being known for our support! We love helping our customers achieve their final projects successfuly and you are no exception! We are here to help you with anything you may run into while customising Apptastic Mobile.


Have ideas for updates to Apptastic? Send us your feedback via our contact form (link).

Version 3.2.2 – 22nd July 2023

- Bugfix: Icons in Dark Mode on main header were invisible in some cases.

Version 3.2.1 – 8th January 2023

- Maintenance: Updated to Bootstrap 5.2 for better performance and stability.

Version 3.2 – 2nd March 2022

- Global - Updated Icon Library to FontAwesome 6
- Global - FontAwesome 5 will continue to be supported if you still wish to use it.

Version 3.1.4 – 6th December 2021

- Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Versions (5.1.3 Stable)
         - Fixed issue with Flex box Container Align Self Center
- Global - FontAwesome Library Updated to latest 5.15.4

Version 3.1.3 – 20th September 2021

- Global - Improvements for new iOS15 Tab Bar Safari interface
- Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Versions (5.1 Stable)
- Global - FontAwesome Library Updated to latest 5.1.3 Version

Version 3.1.2 – 14th June 2021

- Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Versions (5.0.1 Stable)
- Implemented Google API for Google Maps for new Google Standards

Version 3.1.1 – 19th April 2021

- Global - Bootstrap 5.x JS, CSS and SCSS updated to Latest Verisons (5.0 Beta 3)
- Files Updated - scss/bootstrap folder, styles/bootstrap.css, scripts/bootstrap.min.js 
- Documentation - Improved Documentation files in Bootstrap 5.x Version

Version 3.1 – 27th March, 2021

Apptastic now comes in Bootstrap 5.x with NO jQuery dependency (Apptastic Version 3.1), written in Vanilla JavaScript. We’ve also included the Bootstrap 4.5 Version with jQuery Dependency (Apptastic Version 3.0) and we’ll keep providing support for both version for a long time from now!

Apptastic now comes in 2 Versions
- Bootstrap 5.x - Vanilla JavaScript, no jQuery Dependency (5.0 Beta 2)
- Bootstrap 4.5 - jQuery Version

Version 3.0.1 – 11th March 2021
Mobile PWA update for upcoming WebKit / Chrome standards

- Improvement - Updated _service-worker.js to new PWA standards (replace _service-worker.js)
- Improvement - In custom.js and at the very top set pwaNoCache = false;

Version 3.0 – 7th November, 2020
Apptastic is now running Bootstrap 4.5, as per customer feedback, we always listen!

- Global - Bootstrap 4.5 Framework
- Added - SCSS Files for faster and easier editing.
- All pages and previous features converted to Bootstrap.
- Optimized PWA scripts and loading times.
- Added -  External loaded menus for faster editing
- Added - Added Action Sheet / Modal for Language Picker
- Page - User List and User Groups.
- Page - Gallery with View Selection
- Page - User Profile Instagram Styled
- Page - Wallet with Transactions and Graph
- Component - Geolocation Web API.
- Component - Vibration Web API.
- Component - File Upload Web API.
- Component - QR Code Generator.
- Component - Embedly – Embed Anything.
- Component - Facebook Comments Plugin.
- Component - Disqus Comments Plugin.
- Component - Online / Offline Detection.
- Component - Add to Home Install Prompt for PWA.
- Added - Automatic Dark Mode detection.
- Added - Show content based on Light or Dark Mode
- Added - Support for any card design, with any position of captions.
- Added - Programmatic support for Toasts, Snackbars, Menus, Notifications
- Added - Alerts Website Styled and Alerts/Notifications Mobile Styled.
- Added - Badges to headers and ability to open "more menu" inside header badges.
- Added - User Lists and Link Lists with Switch / Toggle / Multiple Icon Support.
- Added - Added Instagram Styled Mobile Profile Page.
- Improvement - Checkbox Issue with “checked” Parameter Resolved
- Improvement - Lightbox Instead of BaguetteBox for PWA Compatibility
- Improvement - iOS Friendly CSS for Notch Support
- Improvement - All Scripts and Styles to Latest Stable Versions

Version 2.1.1 – 14th May, 2020

- Bug Fix - Updated the Footer Menu version to resolve an issue where Snackbars, Toasts and other elmenets would show under the footer menu. To resolve, simply copy line 478 from custom.js to your version and the ending 4 lines from framework.css to your version.
- Bug Fix - Resolved an issue with Radio items not being selectable in component-inputs.html

Version 2.1 – 11th June, 2019

- Improvement - Checkboxes and Radios Updated
- Added - Notch Support for iOS Devices

Version 2.0 – 31th January, 2019

- Global - Added Footer Menu Version. Now Apptastic comes with 2 versions

Version 1.1 – 26th September, 2019

- Added - Add to Home Badges

As per Envato Terms of Service, Images are not included in the main download package. If needed, we can provide a list of links for the images used.

Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible With

Bootstrap 5.x, Bootstrap 4.x

Demo Url


Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

Layered PNG, PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, Sass Files, SCSS Files, JS Files
