AQSA Timeline is a Responsive jquery timeline that enables you to build visually-rich interactive timelines on your website and helps you to create and show a beautiful timeline, Blogs, Videos, Testimonials, Our Team, stories easily.
If you are looking for a clean and interactive way to present your content, Aqsa Timeline was created for you.
- Highly customizable options:
- 5 various model: Blog1, Blog2, Videos, Our team, Testimonial
- Timeline theme: Dark, Light and Dark-light
- Timeline Width: Full width or Boxed
- 16 color schemes
- Animations: more than 75 animations
- Icons: All Fontawesome icons
- Fully responsive and mobile ready.
- Multi-purpose timeline
- Quick Edit and option to order timeline support
- Clean and modern design
- Documentation included
- 7/24 support
- Roboto font
- Font Awesome icons
- jQuery custom content scroller
- Nicescroll plugin
- fitvidsjs
18.04.2017 Added: new timeline style "News Timeline". Update: some CSS files.