Attracto WP – Responsive Theme

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Attracto WP v2.7 is live now. Scroll down for details.

Attracto WP is elegant Responsive Theme. By default You have two styles to choose: light and dark. Additionally You can choose from 50 prepared backgrounds. Easy to use unbranded options panel make Your life easier with color changes, drag&drop module for homepage, backgroudnd setting, sliders, features and many, many more. Now with couple clicks Your theme can look so much different than the original. Theme can be used as portfolio, photography or, with some small changes, can be easily adapted for Your business site.

Theme features

  • Responsive Design to adapt to smaller devices (ipad, iphone)
  • 2 prepared styles: light and dark
  • Change colors with colorpickers
  • jQuery Powered
  • Sortable and masonry style Portfolio
  • 50 prepared backgrounds to choose and place to upload your own background
  • Self-Hosted Video and Audio support
  • Support for embedded video and audio files
  • 6 Custom Page Templates:
    • Archive/Sitemap
    • Contact
    • Homepage
    • Portfolio
    • Sidebar Left
    • Sidebar Right
  • 3 Custom Post Types:
    • Portfolio
    • Carousel
    • Features
  • Support for Post Formats:
    • Standard
    • Video
    • Audio
    • Gallery
    • Link
    • Quote
    • Chat
  • Flexslider for homepage, portfolio item and gallery
  • 4 Types of Portfolio Items:
    • Standard
    • Gallery
    • Audio (embedded or self-hosted)
    • Video (embedded or self-hosted)
  • Blog layout with 3 options: masonry, left sidebar and right sidebar
  • Blog Single layout with 3 options: full width, left sidebar and right sidebar
  • 25 prepared icons for Features section
  • Prepared for WP-PageNavi and Contact Form 7 plugins
  • Useful and easy to use shortcodes
  • Responsive Content Slider
  • Carousel Slider to show off Your images or projects
  • Standard and masonry blog template to choose
  • jQuery Image preloader to make theme more elegant and professional
  • PrettyPhoto plugin
  • .PO and .MO files included
  • 3 custom widgets:
    • Flick Photos
    • Latest Posts
    • Latest Projects
  • 12 unique social icons prepared:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • RSS Feed
    • Google+
    • Digg
    • Vimeo
    • YouTube
    • Flickr
    • Dribbble
    • Forrst
    • DeviantArt
    • LinkedIn
  • Integrated UIToTop plugin
  • Couple psd files for photoshop addicts  :)

WP-PageNavi plugin is required for this theme!


Photos are not included!




Version 2.7 - 9.09.2015
FIX: issue with widgets notifications in WP 4.3
UPDATE: TGM Plugin to v2.5.2

Changed files:
~ functions.php
~ includes/plugins/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
~ includes/widgets/widget-flickr.php
~ includes/widgets/widget-latest-posts.php
~ includes/widgets/widget-latest-projects.php
~ style.css


Version 2.6 - 14.06.2015
UPDATE: prettyPhoto script to 3.1.6
FIX: prettyPhoto now works properly on homepage carousel as a gallery

Changed files:
~ style.css
~ template-homepage.php
~ js/scripts.js
~ js/jquery.prettyphoto.js
~ functions/theme-shortcodes.php


Version 2.5 - 25.04.2015
UPDATE: Security update for TGM Plugin Activation

Changed files:
~ style.css
~ includes/plugins/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php


Version 2.4 - 25.05.2013
ADDED: New shortcode generator
ADDED: New Google Map shortcode 
ADDED: TGM Plugin Activation to the latest version
UPDATE: Documentation
FIX: Tons of cleanups, removed unused code + couple fixes
CHANGED: js folder

Changed files:
~ style.css
~ functions.php
~ added includes/plugins folder 
~ changed js folder
~ added js/jquery.gomap.js
~ removed includes/widgets/js folder
~ removed includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php
~ removed functions/theme-shortcodes.php
~ removed functions/js/images folder
~ removed functions/js/tinymce.js


Version 2.3 - 15.04.2013
FIXED: random problems with jquery UI elements

Changed files:
~ style.css
~ js/jquery.packed.js
~ functions.php


Version 2.2 - 27.03.2013
ADDED: updated Flexslider plugin and tweaked some css to make sure it works with newest version

Changed files:
~ style.css
~ js/jquery.packed.js
~ css/flexslider.css
~ css/light.css
~ css/dark.css


Version 2.1 - 20.03.2013
FIXED: problem with 'latest blog' section on homepage when on tablet or phone

Changed files:
~ style.css
~ css/base.css


Version 2.0 - 07.03.2013
~ changed image resizer plugin
~ fixed couple minor bugs

Changed files:
~ style.css
~ includes/portfolio-standard-format.php
~ includes/portfolio-standard-archive.php
~ includes/portfolio-format-single.php
~ includes/portfolio-boxed-format.php
~ includes/portfolio-boxed-format-home.php
~ includes/portfolio-boxed-archive.php
~ template-homepage.php
~ includes/home-latest-from-blog.php
~ includes/single-blogs-format.php
~ includes/format-audio-masonry.php
~ includes/format-audio.php
~ includes/format-gallery-masonry.php
~ includes/format-gallery.php
~ includes/format-standard-masonry.php
~ includes/format-standard.php
~ includes/format-video-masonry.php
~ includes/format-video.php
~ page.php
~ template-sidebar-left.php
~ template-sidebar-right.php
~ searchform.php
~ widgets/widget-latest-posts.php
~ widgets/widget-latest-projects.php
~ functions.php
~ ADDED file aq_resizer.php to 'functions' folder


Version 1.9 - 17.01.2013
~ fixed all known issues with scripts
~ rebuilded twitter feed widget

Changed files:
~ style.css
~ css/light.css
~ functions.php
~ includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php
~ ADDED includes/widgets/js folder


Version 1.8 - 23.12.2012
~ fixed problems with wordpress 3.5 gallery shortcode

Changed files:
~ style.css
~ css/base.css
~ functions.php
~ functions/theme-shortcodes.php
~ js/scripts.js
~ documentation


Version 1.7 - 13.11.2012
~ fix for random 'cheatin uh?' problem with portfolio/blog gallery
~ update for twitter widget

Changed files:
~ style.css (version only)
~ functions/js/upload-button.js
~ includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php


Version 1.6 - 11.07.2012
~ some minor fixes
~ added 'read more' in blog posts

Changed files:


Version 1.5 - 22.06.2012
~ css fix for toTop plugin on mobile devices


Version 1.4 - 14.06.2012
~ admin options panel update to version 1.4.0
~ integration with WordPress 3.4.0
~ rebuilded jquery file for better support of external plugins
~ deactivated image preloader in IE
~ some other minor changes


Version 1.3 - 27.04.2012
~ added support for featured image on pages (default and templates with sidebar right and left)
~ added new section for homepage - Latest From Blog
~ added Chat Post Format
~ changed Quote Post Format (now you quote should be in content area and author in the title)
~ updated documentation
~ updated xml file with sample content


Version 1.2 - 21.04.2012
~ fixed search.php file
~ fixed archive.php file


Version 1.1 - 18.04.2012
Some minor changes:
~ updated documentation
~ added pagination in masonry blog layout
~ added sample-content.xml file

Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

Compatible Software

WordPress 4.8.x, WordPress 4.7.x, WordPress 4.6.1, WordPress 4.6

Compatible With
Demo Url



Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

Layered PSD, PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files

Widget Ready

