Here are some items I recommend
Modern Video Reel Javascript
Modern Video Reel
Virtual Tour Creator for WordPress Showcase Addon
Modern Video Player for WordPress Shelf Addon
Video Player Lite WordPress Plugin
JQuery Stack Banner Slideshow with Captions
Image Video Audio Background for WordPress
Modern Radio Player WordPress Plugin
Video Player Lite – WPBakery Addon
Modern Radio Player Elementor Widget
Brona Audio Player With Playlist Elementor Widget
Media Hovers
Media Hovers WordPress Plugin
Video Player Lite Elementor Widget
Virtual Tour Creator for WordPress
Product Video for WooCommerce
Hover Sounds
Video Background WPBakery Addon
Modern Audio Player Comments AddOn
Modern Radio Player
This add-on requires Audio Player With Playlist to be installed first!
Click image to view demo
This is addon for javascript Audio Player version. Using Comments addOn for Audio Player enables users to add comments to songs.
Features and options:
Note that comment functionality is not available in all player skins (for example skin with circle seekbar or some small skins not containing seekbar).
Updates / Changelog
VERSION 1.0 [22.2.2024]
audio, comments, song comment, audio player, user
Informação adicional
Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS
Produtos relacionados
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