AutomateMail – Subdomain-Based SaaS Script For Email Marketing & SMS Marketing (Multitenancy)

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Automatemail is a subdomain-based SaaS Email & SMS Marketing application. With this
application, you can register a user with a subdomain based on the subscription plan. The user can use the Maildoll
application depending on the subscription. Each customer must have a valid subscription plan. There is a trial mode
where customers can use the application for limited days and times.

AutomateMail - Subdomain-Based SaaS Script For Email Marketing & SMS Marketing (Multitenancy) - 1

Key Features

  • Subdomain-Based SaaS
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Customer Dashboard
  • Admin Visual Analytics & Statistics Report
  • Customer Visual Analytics & Statistics Report
  • Subscription Plan
  • Newsletter
  • PayPal, Visa, Master Card, SSL Commerz Payment Gateways
  • Invoice System
  • Trial Mode
  • Client Management
  • User Expiry Alert
  • User Blocking
  • Limit Manager
  • Offline Payment
  • SEO
  • Menu Builder
  • Page Builder
  • Multi-Currency Support
  • SMTP
  • Dark Mode
  • Billing Renew
  • Customer Account Report
  • Application Setup

Environment Requirements

  • cPanel Hosting
  • Subdomain Support
  • Wildcard enable
  • SSL Certificate

System Requirements

  • PHP >= 8.0+
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • curl enable
  • zip enables


Link :

Admin Login

Username :
Password : 12345678

Customer Login

Username :
Password : 12345678


[*] What is Maildoll?

Maildoll is the Email Marketing and SMS Marketing Application for any business marketing purpose. It is a
self-hosted Email Service Provider and easy to install, which has all the meaningful and user-friendly features you
Use Maildoll to build customer loyalty, nurture leads, and increase direct sales. You can perform all the
time-consuming work for your email and SMS marketing campaign smoothly in a short period. You can also automate and
track your bulk Email and SMS performance.

1. What is AutomateMail?

– AutomateMail is an application that will enable our Maildoll software for subdomain-based SaaS version.

2. What is the difference between Maildoll and AutomateMail?

– Maildoll is an SMS and email marketing software that you can host on your server. You can use it for email marketing and SMS marketing business. You can also sell subscriptions, and your subscribers will use the same domain for email marketing or SMS marketing.
But when you integrate it with AutomateMail, you will be able to sell the subscription for the whole Maildoll software. That means you can sell the total Maildoll software to others by creating access limitation/purchase plans. Your customers can do email marketing, SMS marketing, and sell subscriptions from their purchased subscription.

3. What is the main benefit of AutomateMail?

– Once you buy it, you have the power to build your own large and profitable business by selling subscriptions for Maildoll. Create subscription plans and let your customer pick one, and they will get direct access to the software with a subdomain they choose.

4. Could you please explain with an example?

– Suppose you purchased AutomateMail along with Maildoll and installed it in your domain Then you create a subscription plan for 1000 emails for 30 days, and one customer chooses that plan. Then he will have a subdomain
He can use the Maildoll for his own SMS or email marketing purpose, or he can also sell subscriptions within that 1000 emails and 30days to others.

5. Will I get the same features of Maildoll when integrating it with AutomateMail?

– Sure. You will get all the features of Maildoll. 

6. Do I have to buy Maildoll to use AutomateMail?

– No. To use AutomateMail, you do not have to buy Maildoll. AutomateMail contains Maildoll core.

7. I have purchased Maildoll previously. May I use MaildollSaaS?

– Sure. Just purchase AutomateMail now. But you have to update Maildoll to version 5.0 or higher.

8. What is the difference between a regular and extended license?

– The main difference between these licenses is that under the Regular License, your end product (incorporating the item you’ve purchased) is distributed free of charge, whereas under the Extended License your end product may be sold or otherwise limited to paying customers.

9. What type of hosting needs if I have at least 10000 active customers and heavy traffic on-site?

– For sites with high-traffic demands, cloud, VPS, dedicated, and cPanel hosting solutions ensure high performance.

10. Do you provide installation support?

– YES. Only application installation not the server configuarion.

11. Will you provide detailed script documentation and source code if I need to customize it.?

– YES.

12. How does a customer subscribe to any purchase plan?

When a new customer visits your website and chooses any subscription plan, he will navigate to a new account creation page in your domain.
Then they can choose a subdomain for their business. After that, the customer gets a customer dashboard on your website that includes personal info, billing history, subscription, and account reports. Customers can upgrade, downgrade or cancel their purchases from this dashboard.
After purchase, a customer will get direct access to the Maildoll software by logging in from their sub-domain with the purchased plan privilege.

13. Can I create a custom purchase plan if any customer wants it?

– If a customer requests a custom plan for his needs, you can create it for him.

13. Can a customer perform the offline payment?

– Sure, for any custom plan upgrade, customers can perform offline payment using PayPal or SSL COMMERZ. We can add more payment methods if you need (Paid Customization).

14. Can I control my clients?

– Sure, an admin has the total privilege to control his customers. You can block, expel, or trash any unauthorized customers.

AutomateMail - Subdomain-Based SaaS Script For Email Marketing & SMS Marketing (Multitenancy) - 2


version 1.5.0

- Maildoll v6.6.0

- body scroll behavior issue improve

version 1.2.0
- Maildoll v6.2.1
version 1.1.0
- Braintree Payment Bug Fixed
- Subscription Bug Fixed

- Stripe Payment Gateway
- Frontend Color shuffling
- Time Zone
- Login Page new UI
version 1.0.1
-  Subscription renew
-  Installer purchase code

-  Maildoll Core
-  Demo mode
-  Installation video mp4 file
version 1.0
- initial release


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