AWD Overlayer Navigation menu comes with 4 types of overlayer navigation
menu variations that are very easy to implement into your website.
Navigation menu is developed using
HTML5, CSS3, Scss, JavaScript.
Easy to use: To implement, all you have to do is download our file &
import the CSS & javascript files into your website folder & add a simple
line of HTML5 code.
checkout the or the document.html file we have attached with the code.
* If you are a person who has a little bit of coding experience we have
included all of the dev files for you as well as a will instruction manual.
Menu Options :
- Slide Right Navigation
- Animated Slide Right Navigation
- Slide Down Navigation
- Animated Slide Down Navigation
Have Used to Develope This :
- CSS3
- Sass
- JavaScript
- FontAwsome
- Google Fonts
Featuress :
- Mobile Responsive Design
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Easy to use & integration
- Easy to customise
- Sass files included
- Documetation Included