Do you like Photo Editing?
Photo Editing is just enhancing your image/pics with beauty.
AWK Photo Editor is one of best app for Photo Editing. In this app you are get more option for editing your image.
AWK Photo Editor App has user friendly User Interface. So, you can easily go through full App and get edited image.
Demo APK with Admob Ads
App Features: –
Crop Image:
This feature is providing cropping functionality. So, you can easily get cropped image with your interest.
You get different filter image options with filter option in app.
This this option you can easy rotated your image with 0°-360° angle.
You get saturated image with this function.
you can increase or decrease brightness of image.
This feature provide you contrast shade of image.
Text Sticker:
You can create text sticker. You set different color and different text type to your sticker.
Image Sticker:
You get many emoji with this option of app and also set it to your image.
Save Edited Image:
You can save you edited image with this function.
Share your image with your friends and family members.
Download image and share image option.
Created images list
creates image share and delete option .
App provide:-
1. Google ad mob. (banner ads and Interstitial Ads)
2. Facebook ads. (banner ads and Interstitial Ads)
3. Rate App
4. Share App
5. More App
6. About Us
7. Privacy Policy
Note:- We set all available free images in this Application. All are this stickers set in local database, we do not tack responsibility for copy rights this all images.
What you get:-
1. Full android Source code.
2. Design in screenshot.
3. Documentation.
1. Android
2. android studio
3. android phone (OS 7.0 later)
4. phone and tablet support
5. android (Development language)
Reskin / Installation:-
1. Upload app in Play store
2. Change app color Application.
3. Customize Admob.
4. Change app icon.
Above charge Just in $29. * All design and play developer account provide by the client.
Error log print
Change Log
- add android 11 support and SDK 30 - Bug fixing and design impermanent.
-Store photo in phone gallery in android 10 is fixed -Bug fixed and performance improvement.