Basket Challenge Features
- Touch
- High quality Graphics
- Playable in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.)
- Easy to Reskin
- Easy to Change Source
- 720p resolution
- Construct 2 (capx) and Construct 3 (c3p) files included
- PHP files included for database connection
- Events are organized by groups
- All the events are commented and explained
- Blender 2.79 file included
- PSD file included
- Sprites folder included
For Mobile
- Cordova folder for phonegap
- Cordova Admob Ads ( banner and interstitial )
- Share Twitter and Facebook Button
- Playable in all platforms (Mobile, Tablet, etc.)
- You can export to Android and iOS
- Best score always saved to player device
For Web
- HTML5 Web folder ready to use on your website.
- Facebook Instant Game files Included
- Full Screen
- Playable in (chrome, Firefox, IE…).
- Database connection using PHP files to save leaderboard
- MySql and Postgres databases have been validated
- PHP files included for database connection
- PHP files included to save in
- You are totally free to edit your PHP script and make new changes
- is an alternative if you do not use database, this file is automatically created
- Leaderboard: Top 20 highscore
- Input field to enter your name (it works on mobile devices)
About the documentation and Code Design
- The documentation explains all the properties in detail using screenshots
- The documentation explains how to add new properties
- The game reloads the properties every time it gets started , no need to export it again, just reload the page
- All the requests to PHP file and returns are located into a specifc Event Sheet , so you can easily implement it into another games
- By using the properties you can change the countdown time of game for 1 min or 2 min for example
- By using the properties you can set the PHP filepath
- By using the properties you can define your database or a file to save the leaderboard , or do not save anything
- You can save many players, not only 20, but you need to adjust the sprite font size to fit all players
The game logic has its own event sheet and is also organized by groups, so you can easily modify and not worry about breaking database events, you just need to understand where to call the functions
The settings are made in a property file , the game automatically validate the values , if you enter incorrect data the game will consider default values to avoid errors or bugs during the gameplay.
The game will work anyway but depending in what property value is incorrect , the leaderboard may not be shown
If you make any changes to the properties file to use the database or , or decide not to have a leaderboard , you do not have to export the game again , just need to set “NO” on the property file
About the Scene
Blender file includes the 3D background scene , it does not include the arms animation
PSD file includes the rendered images from blender with post-processing applied on photoshop
you can easily make new renders and change the effects on photoshop
All source code is included so you can easily make changes or contact me to customize the game for you.
Item support includes:
- Availability of the author to answer questions
- Answering technical questions about item’s features
- Assistance with reported bugs and issues
- Support 24/7
Music by play on loop
See Also :