Batch Page Analyzer for Windows, Linux and MacOs

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Bach Page Analyzer is the ultimate tool for checking your websites’ performance, usability, and compliance with Google standards.

Bach Page Analyzer uses the Google Lighthouse API to extract all the information about performance, best practices, SEO, accessibility and other valuable indicators of your websites.

With Bach Page Analyzer you will be able to obtain, among others, information on:

– First Contentful Paint

– Speed ​​Index

– Largest Contentful Paint

– Time to Interactive

– Total Blocking Time

– Cumulative Layout Shift

– As well as the size of your website and other values.

Since all of that may not be enough, Bach Page Analyzer fetches the entire Google Lighthouse report in JSON format. This file format is the Google Lighthouse standard and thanks to Bach Page Analyzer you will have it available to download from each website you analyze.

This full report can be viewed using the free Google Lighthouse viewer. In it you can see:

-Screens of your website.

-All scan values ​​expanded.

-Files you need to optimize (js, images, css).

-All the necessary data to improve your website.

Bach Page Analyzer also allows you to export all the results of your analysis. 

Thanks to the export function you can save all the data in CSV format and open it in excel perfectly. You also have the option to also export the complete Lighthouse reports in JSON format. In this way you will have all the data at your disposal

Bach Page Analyzer is developed in .NET 6 and is cross-platform. You can run Bach Page Analyzer on your favorite operating system: Windows, Linux or MacOs. You just have to install the .NET 6 runtime for your operating system (more information

If you want you can try Bach Page Analyzer in demo mode. In DEMO mode the analysis is limited to only 1 website per application start. You just need to enter your PageSpeed ​​Insights api key (more info

In order to activate the application it is necessary to fill in this form REQUEST LICENCE and you will receive a license file to activate your application.

If you need support or help use this form REQUEST SUPPORT

Bach Page Analyzer is the perfect tool for performance analysis of websites.

Informação adicional

Application Runtime


Demo Url!Ar_PdZxyS1xVfHMOk1soIAeBFNI?e=cdhnFG

High Resolution
Operating System Versions

Windows 10

Video Preview Resolution

