About Beat Joomla Template
Beat it’s a unique one page Joomla Template, especially designed & developed for bands, music events and any kind of performers linked do the music and dance industry such as DJ’s, singers, musicians and dance groups.This template offers a lot of useful features that will help your work stand out from the crowd!
With Beat Template you will find a Social Feed Grid that shows the latest tweets, Instagram photos, latest posts from your band Facebook page and news; Events location map (integrated with google maps); Event Countdown; audio player; video and image gallery; unique product slider to sell your merchandise products; news/blog page; contact form with CAPTCHA and much more!
This template it’s compatible with Joomla 2.5.X and 3.X versions. It has a fully Responsive structure built with Bootstrap and it’s retina ready, so it can adapt to all types of screens and devices, allowing your fans to follow your work, news and events anywhere at anytime! It comes in 2 versions (dark & light) and it’s highly customizable to help you turn Beat template into your own awesome website.
- Compatible with Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.x
- Quickstart package with demo content
- HTML5 and CSS3 Template
- T3 Framework
- K2 Extension
- Custom Modules
- Fully Responsive & Retina ready
- Flexible Grid System built with Bootstrap 3
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- Shortcodes (Rokcandy)
- Multi-Language support
- Dropdown menu
- Social Feed Grid with the latest Tweets,Instagram photos, Facebook latest posts (pages only) and news
- Next concert Countdown
- Concert Location map with Google maps Api integration
- Audio Player
- Unique product slider
- News/Blog page
- Image Slideshow or Video Background
- Working PHP Contact Form with CAPTCHA
- Image Gallery
- Dark and Light versions
- Google Fonts Support
- 3 Layered PSD Files Included
- Help Documentation Included
All the PSD files are layered, completely editable and well organized. Please note that all the images and video used in Beat Template are not included in the main file and were used for preview purpose only.