Bemo Editor – Rich Text Editor with Charts

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Bemo Editor is a “Rich Text Editor” with Charts insertion ability. You can insert column, pie or lines charts. It has 20 formatting options, the ability to add more fonts and the ability to modify the HTML code of the text formatting.


1- 20 Text formatting options.

2- Very flex and easy to modify.

3- Easy to style it.

4- Charts (Columns – Pie – Lines).

5- Back & Forward buttons.

6- Ability to add more FONTs.

7- Ability to minimize the editor.

8- Ability to change the HTML in the code view and getting it done.

DOCUMENTATION: This plugin is well documented.

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

Compatible Software


Demo Url

High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS

Video Preview Resolution


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