BESMA-Bulk Email And SMS Marketing Application

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You can purchase latest version of this application from Ultimate SMS – Bulk SMS Application For Marketing


Version 1.0.5 (30/04/2015)

New: Add SMS Gateway.
New: Add SMS Gateway
New: Add SMS Gateway
New: Add SMS Gateway
New: Export and Import Client Using CSV 
New: Client Registration Options, Which are controlled by Admin.

Fixed: Fixed some bugs regarding Client Support Tickets and Comments. 

 And Many more options. 

To update V1.0.4 to v1.0.5, Just download the latest file from codecanyon and extract it. Then you will find the application file folder. Just copy all the files on application folder and paste on your previous application folder and replace old files with new files. Then write down your domain_name/update.php in Browser URL and Hit Enter. Like Then you will find the latest version. Or There Have a folder named Update File For Upgrading V1.0.4 To V1.0.5. In this folder you can find the ChangeLog Files details.
For any kind of information or suggestion, you may email to our support email

Version 1.0.4 (25/02/2015)

New: Admin can set different SMS price for different Countries.
New: Disable SMS Gateway Name from Client portal.
New: In Client Portal, Client can add his/her own customer. 
New: In Client Portal, Client Can send Bulk SMS or Email using Groups.
New: Add One more SMS Gateway Name RANNH.
New: Add Sender ID approve or block Management System.

Modify: Fixing File Upload From in Mac, Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse etc.
Modify: Fixing PHPMailer Sending Problem. 
Modify: Fixing Some options on Invoice management system. 

 And Many more options. 

To update V1.0.3 to v1.0.4, Just download the latest file from codecanyon and extract it. Then you will find the application file folder. Just copy all the files on application folder and paste on your previous application folder and replace old files with new files. Then write down your domain_name/update.php in Browser URL and Hit Enter. Like Then you will find the latest version.
For any kind of information or suggestion, you may email to our support email

Version 1.0.3 (09/10/2014)

New: Add Schedule SMS Module.
New: Add MailGun Email Gateway.
New: Add 3 More SMS Gateways (TelAPI, NibsSMS, Infobip SMS Gateways).  
New: Disable SMS or Email Options for specific clients or full systems.
New: Add Multiple products with quantity and price in invoice create section.

Modify: Some Changes in Support Tickets System.
Modify: Modify wysiwyg editor.
Modify: Some Changes In Client Management System. 

 And Many more options. 

To update V1.0.2 to v1.0.3, Just download the latest file from codecanyon and extract it. Then you will find the application file folder. Just copy all the files on application folder and paste on your previous application folder and replace old files with new files. Then write down your domain_name/update.php in Browser URL and Hit Enter. Like Then you will find the latest version.

Version 1.0.2 (09/10/2014)

New: Client or User can send the Email or SMS from Client Portal.
New: Admin can set the limitations in the Customer setup to how many Emails & SMSs the customer can send from his/her customer panel.
New: Add Language Handler options for translating the application to any Language.  
New: Client Or User Can send request for Email or SMS Quota.
New: Add Invoice options.
New: Add 4 Payment Gateways (Paypal, Stripe, Bank/Cash Payment, Authorize.Net).
New: Admin can set the different prices for different SMS Gateways. 
New: Add captcha in Client Registration Options.
New: Admin can add different price plan with many features.
Fixed: Fixed some errors regarding Users comments.
 And Many more options. 

To update old version to v1.0.2, Please Email to us

Version 1.0.1 (20/09/2014)

New: Add Two Email Providers (PHPMailer, SendGrid).
New: Add 7 SMS Gateway (Twilio, Clickatell, SMSKaufen, Route SMS, SMSGlobal, Nexmo, Kapow).
Fixed: Redesign all Email Templates. 

BESMA-Bulk Email And SMS Marketing Application - 1
BESMA-Bulk Email And SMS Marketing Application - 2

Full Features

  • Client Management System

    • Add New Client
    • Client Manage
    • Set SMS or Email Quota For specific Client
  • Clients Group

    • All Groups
    • Add New Group
  • Invoices

    • All Invoices
    • Create New Invoice
  • Bulk Email

    • Send Bulk Email
    • Send Email From File
    • Email History
    • Email Providers
  • Bulk SMS

    • Send Bulk SMS
    • Send SMS From File
    • Send Schedule SMS
    • Send Schedule SMS From File
    • SMS History
    • 11+ SMS Gateways Integration
    • Set Different Prices for Different SMS Gateways
    • SMS Price Plan
    • Create SMS Price Plan
    • Add SMS Price Plan features
  • Support Tickets Management System

    • Create New Ticket
    • Create Support Department
    • Support Ticket Manage
    • Support Department Manage
    • Message Replay Between Administrator and Clients
    • Upload and Download Related Support Ticket Files
    • Change Support Department
    • Change Ticket Status ETC.
  • Settings

    • Add New Administrator
    • Administrator Manage
    • Administrator Role
    • Administrator Role Manage
    • 4 Payment Gateways
    • Email Templates Manage
    • Customize Your Company Information
    • Translate Your application To any Language Using Language Handler
    • Disable SMS or Email Options for specific clients or full systems
  • Others

    • Email Notifications
    • Different Panel For Client
    • Send Email or SMS From Client Panel
    • Request for Email Or SMS Quota using Payment Gateways
    • Responsive Design
  • And Many More….

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers
Compatible Software

MySQL 5.x

Demo Url

High Resolution
Software Framework
Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, XML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Video Preview Resolution
