Birthday and Wedding Wishes

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Birthday and Wedding wishes is a template made in After Effects CS5 that includes two different pre rendered cakes made using 3D softwares exclusively for this template, realized for birthday and wedding situations.
You can customize the wedding cake and send it to your friends and family to announce a wedding or to give your wishes to newlyweds!
If you choose the birthday cake you can send greetings to your friends with your special messages, add your ornaments (8 included in the project), clip arts or your own shapes.
After your customization you can export the animation in mpeg4; the generated file will be very small so you can send it via email!
All texts and colors are customizable.


  • 8 ornaments included
  • Full HD 1920×1080
  • pre rendered files
  • very easy to customize
  • no plugins required
  • fast render
  • Compatible with AE CS5 and above
  • video tutorial included
  • used fonts in description file

Music not included but you can purchase these songs from:


Birthday and Wedding Wishes - 1

Birthday and Wedding Wishes - 2

Birthday and Wedding Wishes - 3

Birthday and Wedding Wishes - 4


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