BlazorStore Pro – Mobile PWA and web templates with multi-tenancy and multi-databases

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Demo Information:

Blazor WebAssembly App: Click here
API Server: Click here

Login credentials:

Role Username Password
Root Admin 123Pa$$word!
Demo Ternant Admin 123Pa$$word!
Demo Ternant User 123Pa$$word!

Note: The API Server and Blazor client applications are seperated into different repositories to ensure that there is no dependency whatsover. This enables us to accomadate various new technoligies as both client and API applications in future.

☕ BlazorStore is a Web and Mobile PWA Template Powered by Blazor WebAssembly

A Clean Architecture Template make your next big project. PWA ready for the latest web trends and powered by .NET Blazor, with a familiar and easy to use code. BlazorStore is designed to look stunning on your Mobile Device, making it friendly for both iOS and Android devices.

☕ PWA – Progressive Web Application Ready

Add BlazorStore to your Home Screen and enjoy it like a native application. A gorgeous user interface that looks and feels like a premium native application.

☕ Powerful & Easy to Use

BlazorStore is incredibly powerful, running on reusable components with easy code, allowing you to copy and paste blocks to create the page you desire in minutes.

What You Will Get with BlazorStore?

⚡ Ready to Use Functions:

Using BlazorStore, you can easily save more than 200 hours of development and research time and kick start the application development in no time. The Essentials are already done, you just have to worry about writing the business logic.

  • Built on .NET 6.0
  • Follows Clean Architecture Principles
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Multi Tenancy Support with Finbuckle: Create Tenants with Multi Database / Shared Database Support, Activate / Deactivate Tenants on Demand, Upgrade Subscription of Tenants – Add More Validity Months to each tenant!
  • Supports MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle & PostgreSQL!
  • Uses Entity Framework Core as DB Abstraction
  • Flexible Repository Pattern
  • Dapper Integration for Optimal Performance
  • Serilog Integration with various Sinks – File, SEQ, Kibana
  • OpenAPI – Supports Client Service Generation
  • Mapster Integration for Quicker Mapping
  • API Versioning
  • Response Caching – Distributed Caching + REDIS
  • Fluent Validations
  • Audit Logging
  • Advanced User & Role Based Permission Management
  • Code Analysis & StyleCop Integration with Rulesets
  • JSON Based Localization with Caching
  • Hangfire Support – Secured Dashboard
  • File Storage Service
  • Test Projects
  • JWT & Azure AD Authentication
  • MediatR – CQRS
  • SignalR Notifications

⭐ Health/Medical App Kit:

  • Home page
  • Medical form
  • Vaccination certificate
  • Vaccination certificate details
  • QR code view
  • Account
  • Settings

⭐ E-Wallet App Kit:

  • Home page
  • Transactions
  • Transaction details
  • Cards
  • Account
  • Settings
  • Promotions

⭐ E-Commerce App Kit:

  • Home page
  • Store Locations
  • Post and News
  • QR code view
  • Settings
  • Product listing
  • Product details
  • Cart and checkout
  • Invoice history
  • Invoice details

⭐ Components:

  • Alert
  • AppBar
  • Avatar
  • Badge
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Breakpoint Provider
  • Buttons
  • Card
  • Carousel
  • Charts
  • Chips
  • Chipset
  • Container
  • Dialog
  • Divider
  • Drawer
  • Element
  • Expansion Panels
  • File Upload
  • Focus Trap
  • Autocomplete
  • Checkbox
  • Field
  • Form
  • Numeric Field
  • Radio
  • Select
  • Slider
  • Switch
  • Text Field
  • Grid
  • Hidden
  • Highlighter
  • Icons
  • Link
  • List
  • Menu
  • Message Box
  • Nav Menu
  • Overlay
  • Pagination
  • Paper
  • Pickers (Color picker, date picker, time picker)
  • Popover
  • Progress
  • Rating
  • ScrollToTop
  • Simple Table
  • Skeleton
  • Snackbar
  • SwipeArea
  • Table
  • Tabs
  • Timeline
  • Toolbar
  • Tooltip
  • TreeView
  • Typography
  • And more…

Our guarantee that you will receive more awesome updates on next releases !!!

✨ A Premium Documentation

For your quickly getting started with BlazorStore, we made a premium, clean and clear document. Turn on Dark Light for your most comfortable

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What is Blazor?

Blazor is a .NET web framework that runs on the browser. Think React or Angular, but propelled by C# and Razor, a markup syntax that lets you embed server-based code into web pages. Blazor executes .NET assemblies using the Mono .NET runtime, a free and open-source project, implemented via WebAssembly. It uses the latest web standards and does not require any additional plugins or add-ons to run. It allows full stack web development with the stability, consistency and productivity of .NET.

Blazor offers all the benefits of the rich, modern single-page application (SPA) platform. Additionally, it allows developers to write the code for the client and server in the same technology (.NET). Also, the same classes can be shared by both client and server code.

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Using .NET in the browser offers many advantages and makes web application development easier and faster. Some of the main advantages of using .NET for full stack web application development are:

  • Leverage existing C# skills for full stack development
  • Better productivity due to code sharing between client and server applications
  • Interoperability with Java Script
  • Consistent programming framework across platforms and browsers

Purchase BlazorStore Now and You Will Love It!

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Version v3.1.2 – 02 Sep 2023

   - Upgrade MudBlazor components to latest stable version 6.9.0
   - Upgrade .Net librabries 
   - Add back navigation
   - Store Detail Popup page: close popup first when user click back navigation  on Android device.

Version v3.1.1 – 14 Jul 2023

   - Fixed database connection exception error for MySql
   - Upgrade nuget packages.

Version v3.1.0 – 31 Jan 2023

   - Fixed can not create Tenant (enabled async capability for CreateAsync)

Version v3.0.0 – 26 Dec 2022

   - Upgrade to .Net 7
   - Update MudBlazor library to latest version 6.1.16

Version v2.2.0 – 5 Oct 2022

   - Update MudBlazor library to latest version 6.0.16
   - Update .Net libs to latest version 6.0.9

Version v2.1.0 – 07 May 2022

   - Added App Styles demo page.
   - Added Actions popup pages.
   - Update Language Selector component:  add language flags and display name.

Version v2.0.1 – 03 May 2022

   - Add Travels and Tours book template kit

Version v2.0.0 – 27 Apr 2022

   - Add Store landing page
   - Add app Walkthrough flow.
   - Update Shopping page
   - Add Onboarding UI Kit with Gradient, Illustration, Image, Minimal, Flat and Variant flavours
   - Another UIUX improvement.

Version v1.0.4 – 24 Apr 2022

   - Add Stories page
   - Add Store Location and Store info page
   - Update Shopping page
   - Update Health pages, Wallet pages
   - Another UIUX improvement.

Version v1.0.3 – 20 Apr 2022

   - Add Grocery template kit

Version v1.0.2 – 18 Apr 2022

     - Add general pages: About us, contact, careers, error 404, faqs, forgot password, sign in, sign up, maps, timeline pages, profile pages, team page.
     - Add FontAwesome 5 Pro offline package. 
     - Another system UIUX enhancements.

Version v1.0.1 – 14 Apr, 2022

   - UIUX enhancements: splash screen, login, menu icon color.
   - Update color palette for dark/light mode.
   - Drawer toggle icon: fixed toggle click issue.
   - Added background image for footer copyright. 

Version v1.0.0 – 01 Apr, 2022

   - Initial release.

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

.NET 6.x

Demo Url


High Resolution


Source Files Included

C# CS, SQL, JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS

Video Preview Resolution
