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Boompay is a payment solution built with the latest laravel framework. Boompay solves problems related to money collection and money transfer. Its supports multiple currencies, transfer to anyone, requests money, payment links, storefront, recurring, invoice, appointment booking, expense & budgeting, API checkout, HTML checkout, Popup & redirect JS, currency swapping, payout to any bank account, compliance, and more. It’s easy to install our system within 5 minutes without any technical knowledge.
Clients actively using v4.0 below, won’t be able to upgrade to the latest version because of change in laravel framework
Payment gateways available for funding
- Stripe
- Mollie
- Instamojo
- Perfect Money
- Coingate
- Skrill
- Coinbase Commerce
- Paypal
- Flutterwave
- Paystack
Boompay support developer integration, click the link below to access the documentation.
Subscription Service
People have been pretty much confused about what exactly this feature is. let’s say you run a dog food delivery business and you have clients that order food from you weekly, you can create a plan, send the intervals of billing, and set it to your clients for payment.
Storefront & Products
With a storefront, you can group products and sell them all in one place. Product category, shipping address & rates with more features have been added
Transfer & Request Money
Users can send money to anyone with an email address. If the email is not registered, an email will be sent to prompt the recipient to register and confirm the transfer was received. The recipient has 5 days to confirm payment else the money will be refunded to the sender. You can also request money from anyone
Payment links/buttons
Create Payment links such as a single charge link to charge your clients a fixed or any amount. Run crowdfunding events by creating donation pages with Boompay
Create invoices and send them to your clients for payments. An invoice can only be paid by the email address associated with it. marking an invoice as paid without payment being made on the platform will only lead to charges being deducted from your account.
Compliance & Withdrawal
With the recent increase in fraud, a compliance form was to set limitations to payouts. Withdrawal privileges now range from an individual to a business account..
Countries & Banks
To give the admin more control over where he/she wants his business to function, we have added country supported. For payouts, we have also added banks supported to make business easier.
Two Factor AuthenticationSecurity is not compulsory but is highly advised to secure your account.
New Features on BOOMPAY v4.0 @ 20/11/2022
- New UI for dashboard and homepage
- Multi currency with Wallet
- Swapping currency
- Multiple Business Account
- Job queuing system
- Improved invoice system
- Inline JS and Redirect Js – Module
- WordPress plugin – Module
- Upgrade laravel version to 9.0
- Improved System UX
- Improved Subscription service
- Revamped Storefront
- Appointment Booking system – Module
- Expense and Budgeting system – Module
- Downloading receipt
- phone number verification – Twilio
- API Checkout & HTML Checkout – Free
New Features on BOOMPAY v3.1 @ 2/10/2021
- Charge back integration
- 3D secure API for cardpayment
- Stripe can now be disabled
- UI changes
- Upgrade laravel version to 8.0
- Fixed Transaction log bug
- Updated Compliance
- Improved security
- Removed Coinpayment
=> Storefront bug
New Features on BOOMPAY v3.2 @ 2/25/2021
- Fixed Compliance issue
- Fixed Settings form for features
- Fixed Money charge issue
- Fixed Withdrawal Charge Not being deducted
- Fixed Transactions displaying for a new user
- Fixed Sub account creation bug
- Fixed script issue with charges
- And lots more
New Features on BOOMPAY v3.1 @ 2/10/2021
- Charge back integration
- 3D secure API for cardpayment
- Stripe can now be disabled
- UI changes
- Upgrade laravel version to 8.0
- Fixed Transaction log bug
- Updated Compliance
- Improved security
New Features on BOOMPAY v3.0 @ 1/2/2021
- Store front
- Shipping address & Rates
- UI Redesign
- Rest API for confirming HTML checkout transactions
- Bill payment for Nigeria
- Virtual Cards
- Sub account/Split Payment
- More deposit methods
- Product purchase with account balance
- Api Key
Supported country and banks
=> Fixed Payment Link deletion bug => Fixed Database Bug with upgrading to v 2.3
=> Fixed Money confirmation bug => Fixed Dark and Light logo misplacement bug => Fixed stripe secret and public key issue => Addressed redirection to dashboard after login from payment links
=> Fixed payment gateway settings page in admin
=> Fixed single charge create link issue => Fixed images automatically being converted to png or jpg file
New Features on BOOMPAY v2.0 @ 10/10/2020
- Single Charge
- Donation Page
- Better Website Integeration
- Subscription service
- Charges now documented
- Detailed transaction history
- Revamped Emails
- Staff Management
- Revamped Dispute system
New Features on BOOMPAY v1.0@ 27/07/2020
- Request payment
- Flutterwave
- Recaptcha integeration
- Fixed Bug that had to do with KYC
- UI changes
- Bug fixes
User features
- Cross-browser optimized design
- Easy Signup/login
- Secure dashboard
- Send Money
- Invoice
- Business verification
- Merchant
- Account settings
- Social links
- Sell any product of any kind
- CAC business verification
- Withdraw limit for unverified business
- Tawk, Twilio has be integrated
- Multiple Bank accounts
- Withdraw system
- more…
Admin features
- Blog management
- Faq management
- Webpages management
- Brand management
- Interface control
- Social links
- Privacy policy
- Terms & conditions
- Invoice management
- Product management
- Withdrawal management
- Basic settings
- Messages
- User management
- Money Transfer management
- Order system
- Deposit management
- more…
Logo credits
Author Page/Shop Link:
- Frontend:
- Admin Access:
- Admin Login: Username: admin || Password: 1234
- User Access:
- User Login:Email: || Password: junejune || Pin: 1234 || OTP: 123456