BuilderJS – HTML Email & Page Builder

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BuilderJS – current version 5.0.4 (Feb 9, 2023)

BuilderJS is a JavaScript plugin which provides a web user interface for building / editing HTML emails or web pages. BuilderJS is the easiest, quickest way to design elegant, mobile responsive emails or pages for your business. BuilderJS is made in pure Javascript and HTML, making it easy to integrate with any web application no matter what the backend programming language is (Java, .Net, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, etc.)

BuilderJS comes with a comprehensive documentation which helps you get started and integrate it with your own web project. Check it out at API & Documentation

BuilderJS is TRUSTED by many other authors and is integrated as a component of many other web platforms/solutions on CodeCanyon

Drag & Drop Elements

BuilderJS comes with a set of built-in web elements, empower you to build your email or page templates faster. If the default set is not enough you can always add your own custom blocks (if you are interested in JavaScript coding).

Easy & Simple Styling

BuilderJS implements simple and powerful style manager which enables quick and easy styling of any web elements inside your email or page. It’s also possible to configure it by adding your own & customized CSS.

Responsive Design

BuilderJS gives you all the necessary tools you need to optimize your templates to look awesomely on any device. In this way you’re able to provide various viewing experience. In case more device options are required, you can easily add them to the editor.

Fully Customizable

Normally, with BuilderJS visual designer, you do not have to care about HTML & CSS. However, it’s always there, available for you to customize. BuilderJS also comes with an HTML / CSS source editor just in case.

Inline CSS Support

With BuilderJS, you can effortlessly generate HTML content for emails with inline CSS styles. This means that CSS styles from reference links are automatically extracted and converted into inline content within the HTML, ensuring your emails look perfect in any email client.

Made by Developers for Developers!

BuilderJS is made fully customizable and open to any integration scenario: you can make it a standalone web page or embed it into your own site. For example, when it comes to save user work, BuilderJS allows you to configure a Save URI, to which it will make a POST request, passing the latest updates to the server side scripting for handling. The request is triggered when user clicks on Save button in the builder. And there are lots of other configuration settings allowing you to customize how it works and interact with the your other components.

Release Notes

5.0.4 / 2023-02-05

 * Fixed: Outlook 2019 compatibility issues
 * Fixed: image rendering issue with certain SVG formats
 * Fixed: improved loading performance
 * Fixed: duplicate CSS after saving
 * Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility issue with sample code
 * Fixed: sub-directory issue with images
 * Fixed: more examples to deal with CSS-inline, cloud storage, etc.
 * Fixed: more examples in PHP
 * Fixed: Thunderbird compatibility issues
 * Fixed: improved custom widget API
 * Fixed: improved filemanager loading performance
 * Fixed: detect 'root' parameter automatically in sample scripts (update)
 * Fixed: more widgets and options

5.0.0 / 2022-09-13

 * Fixed: new base templates' structure
 * Fixed: better compatibility with different email clients
 * Fixed: broken UI in preview mode
 * Fixed: UI glitches in MS Edge and older versions of IE
 * Added: more base templates available
 * Added: upload sample is included
 * Added: more API methods added
 * Added: more rendering options supported
 * Added: more base widgets added

4.0.6 / 2022-02-26

 * Fixed: performance issue when loading template
 * Fixed: inline edit not working with HTML5 tag
 * Fixed: CSS not rendered correctly
 * Fixed: image upload not working with certain versions of TLS
 * Fixed: better error notification to UI
 * Added: new material icon set
 * Added: supported builder mode

3.0.0 / 2022-01-02

 * Fixed: unexpected input boxes added to email content
 * Fixed: reduce content size by eliminating irrelevant styles
 * Fixed: reduce content size by content minifying
 * Added: Save & Close button
 * Added: control panel for custom tags
 * Added: new icons set for controls
 * Added: minifized icons now in place
 * Added: new default themes/layouts

2.2.0 / 2021-11-08

 * Fixed: inline editor does not work for certain types of element
 * Fixed: UI glitches on older versions of IE
 * Fixed: compatibility issues with older version of IE
 * Fixed: compatibility issues with older version of Opera
 * Fixed: more compatible HTTP headers for Ajax requests
 * Added: more flexible editor mode
 * Added: more decoration widgets
 * Added: more preview options
 * Added: support adding selected item to library for reuse
 * Added: support for HTTP 1.1 methods PUT, UPDATE, PATCH, DELETE
 * Added: more SYNC options
 * Added: convenient TAGS editing
 * Added: better TAG autocommplete when typing
 * Added: better TAG preview panel

2.0.0 / 2021-09-23

 * Added: responsive support for old email clients
 * Added: full Edge 11 compatibility
 * Added: design view supported for older browsers
 * Added: template font issue per saving
 * Added: more HTML widgets for the core library
 * Added: template switching in design view
 * Added: cloud synchronization support
 * Added: more drag & drop visual effect 
 * Fixed: open/click tracking not working correctly
 * Fixed: custom widget does not preserve content

1.0.0 / 2021-06-06

 * Added: more layout widgets
 * Added: full Opera compatibility
 * Added: customizable headers for Ajax request
 * Added: detection of invalid HTML structure
 * Added: more HTML widgets for the core library
 * Added: use cache to boost template load performance
 * Added: sync options in construction parameters
 * Added: double view support
 * Added: source view with syntax highlight theme
 * Added: the first publicly available version


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