BusLine Gatsby & GraphQL Features
- Built with ReactJS and Gatsby JS
- React 16.12
- ES6
- Firebase
- SASS support
- GraphQL use
- Clean & Modern design
- Smooth Scroll
- Awesome customized testimonial slider
- Fully Responsive layout
- High-Speed performance
- Well documented
- Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
- Easily customizable
- Creative and Beautiful layout
- Integrated with Feather Icons
- Gtmetrix validation
- Multicolor & RTL
Editable in
Built with
- React
- React Hooks
- Gatsby js
- Reactstrap
- Bootstrap
- Node SASS
- React Slick
- React Sweet Progress
- Firebase
- react-with-firebase-auth
- react-icons-kit
- react-anchor-link-smooth-scroll
- slick-carousel
- Images are only for demo purpose and included in the download bundle
dummy images.
What do you get ?
- Template source code
- Documentation
- Fixed : Fixed Some Bugs and Updated Code