CalcuDoku – HTML5 Game

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CalcuDoku is a HTML5 game where you have to fill in the grid so that every row and every column contains the digits. Each box must also be calculated according to number and operator, there is only 1 solution for each puzzle.

The ZIP package contains the game with 1280×768 resolution that scales to fit the whole screen device, but it may not be perfectly full screen.

How to play:
1. The objective is to fill the grid in with the digits 1 to 3 (depends on the grid size)
2. Each row contains exactly one of each digit
3. Each column contains exactly one of each digit
4. Each bold-outlined group of cells is a cage containing digits which achieve the specified result using the specified mathematical operation: addition (+), subtraction (−), multiplication (×), and division (÷).


  • Easy to reskin with your own design
  • Easy to customize game settings
  • 4 different difficulty auto generated puzzle to play (Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert)
  • Puzzle Settings incl (Size, Group Limit, Cell Color, Border Size)
  • Complete game customization (Text Display, Image Assets)
  • Basic options (Enter FullScreen, Mute Sound, Exit Game)
  • Share Score (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp)
  • High Definition (1280×768)
  • Run in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.)
  • Auto-Resize (Responsive support Landscape and Portrait mode)
  • Make with CreateJS

Item include

  • HTML5 source files
  • Photoshop PSD file
  • Documentation


Version 1.2
- Updated sound function

Version 1.1
- Added new expert mode
- Added hint button
- Added solution button

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