Car Rental Landing Page
Car Rental is a single fully responsive HTML5 theme. This Theme is the perfect for people who are using online services to rent and book a car for their vacation or business purposes. It is designed with Newsletter integration, working Contact and Checkout Form, One Page Navigation, Font Awesome Icon Font, Google Map, Slider, Vehicle Preview Tabs and much more…
Main Features
- Based on Bootstrap 3 Framework
- Teaser Image Slider
- CSS animations
- Fully Responsive
- Newsletter Integration
- Working Contact and Checkout Form
- Checkout Autoresponder
- MailChimp Integration
- Google Map
- One Page Navigation
- Font Awesome Icon Font
- Image Slider
- Documentation Included
Files included
- 1 HTML page
- 1 PSD Layered File
- PHP Files
- Full Documentation HTML page
- Icons and Flags
Files not included
- All Theme Images (Placeholders instead)
NOTE: The online samples images belong to their respective owners and are only used for demo purposes.
2015-09-04 - Item Update 1. fixed some css issues 2. added smtp support for the forms 3. added coordinate support for the google map 4. updated the theme documentation 5. added new Blog pages (blog posts, single post, error 404) 6. added a second level to the Navigation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015-12-19 - Update Twitter Bootstrap 2015-12-19 - Fixed: disappears sections 2015-06-05 - Fixed: date picker and vehicle tabs 2015-04-18 - Fixed: active state in navigation 2015-04-18 - Update Twitter Bootstrap 2015-04-18 - Fixed: common sendmail issues 2014-08-14 - some IE8 issues have been fixed! 2014-07-22 - add new color schemes 2014-07-02 - initial release