version 3.0
- Easy Translateable front end and admin Panel
- 20 Description items for the cars
- A complete advertising system that includes adding Google ads or classified ads
- Seller Page upload Cars (image with video)
- Upload Ajax Image For Car
- Selecting the English language only Or specifying three primary languages
- Easy 2 step installation
- Fix Image Error.
- Paypal Payment
- Choose one or more languages.
CarDealer – Buy Sell Car Marketplace Script Theme It can be used to create a magnificent automotive website.
This Script is ultra easy to use and very flexible Car Dealer theme for the range of business in automotive world from car
dealers, car resellers to mechanic workshop and auto motor retailers and many features Bootstrap Framework Easy to
Use Compatible with almost all latest Browsers.
- Animated Preloader Section
- Creative Interaction UI
- This script comes with a powerful CMS
- Categories: category name, slug, description and feature image
- image: easily upload multiple images with ajax
- Documentation file included
- Statistics of important data in dashboard
- Easy to use and customize
- User: name, email, password, profile picture and description
- image: easily upload multiple images with ajax.
- Setting: general setting such as logo, blog title, website icon, home page
- 3 User roles
- User Management
- Send Message From User to admin
- Supports multi-languages (Default languages: English and Arabic and France)
- Organizer Management
- Category Management
- Manage Multiple Car Dealer (Add/edit/remove Multiple Car Dealer)
- Wow Scroll Animations
- Header Fade Effects
- Made with security in mind (Stable version)
- Manage ads (url/image/google ads) (left for you option)
- Manage Roles (Add/edit/remove Roles) (for admins and managers only)
- Manage User (Add/edit/remove User)
- Manage Multiple Car(Add/edit/remove Multiple Car)
- Reports – (for admins and managers only)
- Access the control panel via Login/Register features
- Official Multiple Video Training
- Tags Management
- Advanced Video Training Search System
- Membership System
- User Login & Register System
- RTL & LTR Support
- 404 Page
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- HTML5 Validation
- Based on uikit 4.x
- Animated Navigation
- Flowless CSS transition
- Cross browsers support
- Video Backgrounds Page Header
- SVG + Image icons
- Google Fonts
- Favicon Options
- Advertisement Options
- Social Media Options
- Translation Ready
- 100% Responsive Design
- SEO Friendly
- Contact Form
- Navigation Options
- Layouts & Elements
- Boxed Layout Design
- Adaptive Images System
- Optimized Codes
- Comment System
- Fancybox Support
- Theme Updates
- Support & Documentation
- Totally secured system (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF)
- Built on powerful laravel 9 Framework that has been tried and tested by millions of developers.
- Passwords are encrypted using php library to make sure your data is safe.
- Backend Framework: Built on laravel 9 Native admin:
- Requires PHP to 9
- Supports MySQL, Mysqli.
- Supports SMTP Email, PHP Mail()
Email address :
Whatsapp : +90553 910 24 92