CarolineDash is a retina-display compatible Material Admin template created to be the most functional, clean and well designed template for any type of web application. For building beautiful products we created Caroline Dash with open-source material design components for the web (created by Google), this template does not use Bootstrap or Angular framework. Each element has been carefully designed by us.
- Responsive Design
- Simple, modern, and user-friendly design
- Well-commented and well-documented
- Cross-browser Compatibility
- 10+ Pre-built widgets
UI Elements
- Accordions
- Buttons
- Badges
- Breadcrumbs
- Dropdowns
- Modals
- Progress Bar
- Pagination
- Tabs
- Typography
- Tooltips
Advanced UI elements
- Dragula
- Clipboard
- Context Menu
- Sliders
- Carousel
- Loaders
- Popup
- Notification
- Form Elements
- Basic Elements
- Advanced Elements
- Validation
- Wizard
- Text editor
- Code editor
- ChartJs
- Flot
- Basic table
- Hoverable table
- Striped table
- Material Icons
- Blank Page
- Login
- Register
- Lockscreen
- Error Pages
- 403
- 404
- 500
- 505