Cartoon Maker – Clone – UXP Photoshop Plugin

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Photoshop Cartoon Effect

Clone is Photoshop smart plugin for easy creating amazing cartoon from any photo in a minute. This plugin will give you opportunity to be professional digital artist and cartoon portraits and cartoon caricatures without special Photoshop or drawing skills. Join and enjoy!

Plugin works great with absolutely any kind of photographs: people, animals, buildings, objects, etc. Also, it doesn’t matter image size, image resolution and image color mode – the result will be real cartoon with a lot of details for customization.

Simply to install. Only a few clicks to get the plugin ready to use. Easy to use. Just open your photo and click create button. Funny to customize. Use caricature presets to improve your cartoon results. Great for social media. Your friends and followers will love it :)

Face detection. Your portrait will always look perfect. The plugin uses a neural network for face detection and smart optimizes image parameters and detalization to get the best cartoon results.

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Clone Updates

March, 2023

- UXP Plugin now!!! Next level of Photoshop Plugin evolution
- Natively compatible with M1 MAC Apple Silicon (no Rosetta needed)
- One file / one click installation (Creative Cloud needed)
- Smart optimization of image settings
- Soft refactoring of main algorithm

November, 2021

1. Algorithm and interface optimized .

February, 2021

1. Added batch mode for automatic continuous processing of unlimited number of photos.
2. Find it in the top right menu of the plugin.

January, 2021

1. Adapted for Photoshop CC2021 (22.1 version)
2. Plugin installer optimized

October, 2020

1. Improved and optimized algorithm for working with portraits, animals, objects etc.
2. Enhanced capabilities for working with very small and very large images

Profactions Support

If you have any questions or need help with Profactions actions, please firstly ensure you have viewed Helper.txt file with instructions and reccomendations (you can find it in each action archive) and watched video tutorials on Profactions Youtube cannel.

If you are still having issues or questions, please email to or send message on Profactions Facebook page. Everyday our actions buy a lot of people. But a very few people of them face any little problems. And be sure, we solve these customer’s questions in 100% of cases.

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