Chirota – Non Profit Charity HTML Template
Chirota – Non Profit Charity HTML Template designed specifically for all kind of Charity, Fundraising, NonProfit, NGO, Church and other non-profit charity projects.
Chirota is built as a framework. You can easily turn off the function, distance and number of items on all mobile devices by changing the data in the HTM tag. Hamela unlimit let you build any design you want. Everything was optimized for you
Build beautiful, intelligent websites with over 2+ Homepage Concepts ready to go or combine, build a layout has never been easier. Anything you can think of can be built with our template. If you are searching for Charity, NonProfit modern and clean HTML5 template, you must choose Chirota.
Main Features
- Based on Bootstrap v5.0
- 02 Awesome Homepage Versions.
- Super Clear and Clean Layout.
- Great Support 24/7.
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Responsive Template
- Free icons used
- Pixel Perfect
- Clean & Unique Design
- Easy to customize
- Ajax Contact Form
- Retina Ready
- Parallax Effect
- & much more…
- Photos
- Fonts & Icons
- jQuery (
- Bootstrap (
- Easing (
- WayPoints (
- Flexslider (
- owl.carousel (
- Parallax (
- Cookie (
- Validate (
- Isotope (
- Imagesloaded (
- Countdown (
- Switcher (
- Magnific Popup (
- Gmap3 (
- Fancybox (
- All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the HTML Templates and no included in the final purchase files.
Please Note: