Choose User Role At Registration Plugin For WooCommerce & WordPress

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Create & manage unlimited custom user roles with WordPress native UI settings & allow users to choose user role while registration in WordPress & WooCommerce user registration forms. The plugin supports to grant requested user roles manually or automatically as well as it allows to notify customers with email for the requested role approval.

Features of User Role Registration Plugin

  • Create unlimited custom user roles with WordPress native UI settings.
  • Allow users choose user role while registration in WordPress user registration form.
  • Allow users choose user role while registration in WooCommerce’s user registration form on my account page.
  • Notify customers with email for the requested role approval.
  • Manually or automatically approve requested user roles.

WooCommerce User Role Registration

Allow users to choose user role while registration on the my account user registration form.

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WordPress User Role Registration

Allow users to choose user role while registration on the WordPress user registration form.

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WordPress & WooCommerce Create Custom User Roles

Admin can create & manage custom user roles with WordPress’ native UI.

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Manually Approve or Reject User Roles Request

The admin can approve the customers’ user role request on registration if manually enabled from settings. If user role approval is selected to manual the requested role will not be assigned untill the admin accepts the requested user role.

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