Coming Soon Products for WooCommerce

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WooCommerce Coming Soon Products plugin allows setting a coming-soon mode to any product and let your clients know when the product will be available, collect their emails, so you can inform them when the product is available..

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Coming Soon Badge for coming soon products

Add a coming soon badge to coming soon products. You can upload custom icons, control the icon dimension, padding and rotation

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Arrival Time countdown

Choose to display a countdown for each product arrival time

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Coming Soon Variation

You can apply coming soon mode on specific variations

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Coming Soon subscription form

Add a subscription form to coming soon products to collect interested clients emails to inform them when the product is available. you can use the default form or a custom subscription form shortcode

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Subscription Emails

A list of subscribed emails metabox. you can send emails, export the list or
delete it.

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WooCommerce Coming Soon End Email

A custom email to be sent after the coming soon mode is finished. each product can have a custom subject, header and email html body

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Coming Soon products Admin bar

track coming soon products and arrival time from the admin bar

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Gutenberg Support

A shortcode and a Gutenberg block to list coming soon products

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WPML Compatibility

The plugin is compatible with WPML since version 1.1.0

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Features List

  • coming soon mode to any product
  • coming soon mode for each variation in variable products
  • Show|Hide product price in coming soon mode
  • Show|Hide arrival time countdown
  • Show|Hide arrrival time countdown in loop pages
  • Add custom coming soon text for coming soon products
  • Add subscription form in coming soon mode
  • Add coming soon badge to coming soon products
  • Control the arrival time countdown color of each time section
  • Show|Hide the arrival time countdown in loop pages
  • shortcode and gutenberg block for coming soon products listing
  • Auto enable and auto emails for coming soon products when arrival time passes
  • Custom Email subject – header and body for each product
  • Custom Coming Soon End Email in WooCommerce Emails
  • Admin bar tab to track the coming soon products and their arrival time
  • WPML Compatibility
  • Emails hub tab for all subscribed emails of all products
  • Auto enable coming soon mode after the product is out of stock
  • Auto restock the product after the coming soon arrival time is passed

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Updates History:

Version 1.3.0 | 2023.08.11: Out of stock - Coming Soon Sync, Auto restock after coming soon arrival time.
<pre>Version 12.13| 2023.07.13 : Enhance background emails, fix subscription submit conflict, show variable products emails in emails hub
<pre>Version 1.1.7 | 2022.10.28 : Shortcodes for Coming soon text, countdown timer, coming soon badge, subscribe form - Avada Compatibility - Enhace coming soon badge positioning </pre>
<pre>Version 1.1.6 | 2022.10.10 : Fix hide price in loop </pre>
<pre>Version 1.1.5 | 2022.09.16 : Custom badge per product - Convert Subscribe Tab texts to text editor for better editing - Fix upload and save for custom badge. </pre>
<pre>Version 1.1.4 | 2022.06.08 : Fix small variation coming soon text ajax.</pre>
<pre>Version 1.1.3 | 2022.04.15 : Fix placeholder attribute typo - Add edit field for subscribe form placeholder value.</pre>
<pre>Version 1.1.2 | 2022.03.22 : Added Countdown Shortcode - Subscribe form shortcode - General Coming Soon Text - Subscribe Form submit button Text field  - Testing for latest WP and WooCommerce versions</pre>
<pre>Version 1.1.0 | 2022.01.07 : WPML Compatibility - small fixes - optimize settings update</pre></pre>

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x

Compatible With

WooCommerce 6.x.x, WooCommerce 5.x.x, WPML

Demo Url Coming Soon Product/shop/

Gutenberg Optimized


High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP

Video Preview Resolution
