Como is a One Page Modern Template Design HTML. This template contain section by section marketing to market your product. This template also have good HTML structure, so you can optimize your SEO Things for your current bussiness. Template is easy to edit and change the image.
To customized the template, just follow the commented tag on index html and maching it with their style. For example there is commented tag Navigation menu on index.html and you will find class “Navigation” inside of it. Then find .navigation ( class navigation ) on the css file, then edit as you want. One thing else, for change the image, just put your image inside of image folder and adjust the img src location and image name, in this case ( images/your-image-name.jpg ). It’s very easy isn’t it?
For SEO things you need to edit meta tag and find good keyword for your business. Just see the commented tag on the header.
This template just include
- 1 html file ( one page )
- 5 css file
- 8 js file
- fonts file from bootstrap & fontawesome
1. Jquery –
2. masonry –
3. imagesLoaded –
4. VenoBox –
5. Pexel –
6. Google Map –
7. swiper js –
All images on the preview page are not included in the downloaded files.
So what you waiting for? Buy now!!