Consen – Finance and Consulting React Next JS Template. Financer clean and modern Business design. You can use it for any kind website like consultancy, Adviser, business, Consultant, Corporate, Finance, Financial etc.
Well-structured code and easy to use documentation help
you to get a great business website.
Template Features
- Based on 1170px Grid System.
- 04 Elegant Homepage Versions.
- Blog and Blog Single Page.
- 404 Error Page
- Unique and Modern Design.
- Super Clear and Clean Layout.
- Awesome and Creative Design.
- Easily customizable React Next JS files.
- Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names.
- This React Next JS template is perfect for convert into WordPress, Joomla and other systems… to make website of for accountants, advisors, business, consultants, consulting, consulting business, consulting firms, finance, finance business, financial, insurance, insurance brokers, lawyers, loan, startup companies Etc…
- Fully Customizable.
- Free Google Fonts.
- Free Font Based Icons.
- Easy to find the files name, folder, layers, groups.
- And many more
This template comes with necessary features for your online presence like Services, Services details, Team, Team Single, Project, Project details, Blog, Blog details Testimonial and etc.
There are 18+ React Next JS files included with this template
The React Next JS files are fully responsive and easily customizable. If you like to change the look of the buttons/icons or any image, open the React Next JS file and go to the specific group which are named accordingly then find out the layer, and than make the necessary adjustments, and then save the file as image_name.png/jpg
Please note this item is React Next JS template, It’s not a PSD or WordPress theme. Images are only for demo purpose, not included in download files.
If you need help to use this template or need special customizing, please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you 24/7. If you have a moment, Please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much!….Thank you.
Fonts Used
You need to Install below Fonts before use consen React Next JS Files.
Image Source:
- 1. Freepik
- 2. Unsplash
- 3. Pexels
- 4. Adobe Stock