Construm – A multi purpose website and construction business platform

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Construm is a multi purpose website that have almost all the pages like team member, about, service, project, news, shop, career, job, contact etc. This CMS is developed using the popular PHP framework Laravel & MySQL. It has a nice and attractive front end and back end interface that are really awesome and eyecatching. The back end has a lot of nice and maintainable features that are needed for a modern and professional website to handle the contents easily by client. Almost all kinds of changes are possible to do using the admin panel without having any kind or programming language knowledge

  • Informative Admin Dashboard
  • Online Product Selling
  • Order management
  • Customer Panel Management
  • Transactions
  • 24+ Automated Payment Method
  • Basic Control
  • Plugin Config (Live chat tawkto & facebook messager)
  • Logo Settings
  • SEO Settings
  • Pusher Configuration
  • SMS Configuration
  • EMAIL Configuration
  • Content Settings
  • Email Templates
  • SMS Templates
  • Push Notification Templates
  • Payment Methods Settings
  • Languages Settings
  • Tickets Managemet
  • Subscriber Managemet

Construm - A multi purpose website and construction business platform - 1

Demo Access

Frontend Link:

User Login:

Username: demouser

Password: demouser

Admin Panel:

Username: admin

Password: admin

Server Requirements

✓ Minimum PHP Version 8.1

✓ MySQL Version 5.7+ or MariaDB version 10.2+

✓ BCMath PHP Extension

✓ Ctype PHP Extension

✓ Fileinfo PHP extension

✓ JSON PHP Extension

✓ Mbstring PHP Extension

✓ OpenSSL PHP Extension

✓ PDO PHP Extension

✓ PDO_MYSQL PHP Extension

✓ Tokenizer PHP Extension

✓ XML PHP Extension

✓ CURL PHP Extension

✓ GD PHP Extension

✓ GMP PHP Extension

Frequently Asked About Server

Question: Do I need VPS or a Dedicated server to run this system?

Answer: No, You can run this system in a shared host as well and it will run smoothly. But if you have much traffic, you may need to upgrade your server/hosting. Our codes are highly optimized to ensure the best possible performance.

Question: Which hosting provider should I choose for this? Do you have any suggestions?

Answer: You can choose any hosting provider who provides Cpanel based hosting. cPanel is not a must, but we recommend you to have cPanel based hosting.

Question: Which hosting provider should I choose for this? Do you have any suggestions?

Answer: You can choose any hosting provider who provides Cpanel based hosting. cPanel is not a must, but we recommend you to have cPanel based hosting.

Question: I don’t have cPanel, What should I do?

Answer: Nothing to worry about, Our system will work with any control panel but cPanel is easy to manage, for that we recommend cPanel based hosting. Also, Our free Support is limited to cPanel based hosting only.

Support Facility:

Please send us your product presale query, after sales support request, customization project and any other queries to:


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