ConversAI ChatGPT AI Native Android Chat App

  • Reviews:



This is an Kotlin Jetpeck Compose written app ChatGPT AI Chat App is You can Ask Anything to AI , You can chat about any category in any language

IMPORTANT: This app template uses third-party service API ( openAI API ) and we do not provide an API key, you can generate your own API Key from the official website
Demo APK can’t reply your messages because doesn’t have API Key , Use Google Play link for testing ChatGPT Responses

– App Using R8 Obfuscation, That makes hard to read the code but not impossible to hacking

– If you want to full protection you should use your own proxy server, so the app code won’t include API Key anymore

– Mail for setup proxy server.




Features :

  • 100 % Kotlin
  • Native Android
  • Jetpack Compose
  • Markdown Support
  • Chat History Support
  • Full Code Access
  • Full Guide Documentation
  • In App Purchase to Unlock PRO version
  • Admob Ads Integration
  • Watch rewarded ads to earn more messages functionality
  • Earn Money

ConversAI ChatGPT AI Native Android Chat App - 1
ConversAI ChatGPT AI Native Android Chat App - 2
ConversAI ChatGPT AI Native Android Chat App - 3

Version 1.4.0 24 / 08 / 2023

- Banner Ads Added
- Interstitial Ads Added

Version 1.3.0 24 / 08 / 2023

- Moderations API Added
- The SafetyNet Issue Fixed
- Rate Us Button Added
- Landscape Mode Disabled
- "Failure! Try again" Error Message Changed With Actual Error Message

Version 1.2.0 21 / 07 / 2023

- In App Subscription Acknowledge Issue Fixed
- No Longer Shows Buy Buttons Without In-App Subscription Install Completed or Loaded
- Default GPT Model Changed To Cheaper One 
- The Answers Doesn't Show The Comma ( , ) Bug Fixed
- Language Change Problem Fixed.

Version 1.1.0 15 / 06 / 2023

- Speech to Text Feature Added
- Language Change Bug Fixed
- Free Message Count Added To Screen
- Increase Message Count Added to Constants
- Document Updated

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Kotlin 1.x, Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0, Other

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

.apk, .java, .xml

Video Preview Resolution
