Cosmocart- Beauty & Cosmetics Shopify Theme
Cosmocart- Beauty Shopify Theme is a multi-use Shopify template. It is designed to go well with multi-purpose websites. Cosmetic Kart Template will help you run multiple businesses.
Cosmetic Kart- Beauty Shopify Theme is specially designed for every kind of online shops: cosmetic, beauty, beauty products, beauty shop, minimal shop, modern shop and so on.
Cosmocart- Beauty Shopify Theme Theme Features
- 6+ product layout
- 5+ Shop layout
- Group product images
- video in product thubnails
- terms and condition checkout
- magnify popup on product page
- active fake sale
- prev and next with popup
- Facebook chat & tracking
- Dynamic One click checkout button
- product order notification
- One click demo import
- Multiple header layouts
- Multiple footer layout
- Section Drag and drop
- Multiple currency switcher
- Product Wishlist & comapare
- Sale countdown timer bar on product detail
- amazing product Image zooming
- Multi size chart
- Product quickview product
- Ajax Product Filtering
- Ajax fly cart
- Easy customizable megamenu
- Product color , size swtaches
- amazing instagram shop
- Custom lookbook module
- New Mobile menu
- 100% responsive design
- Unlimited color option
- Google font integrated
- Mailchimp Newsletter subscription Popup
- Product grid/list mode Option
- flexible collection layout for your store
- Ajax product search
- Product Infinite scrolling
- Advanced Shopify Admin Panel
- Eu GDPR cookie bar
- Age verification popup
- Product 360 view
- Product deal timer
- 12+ Multiple product detail layout
- Product socail sharing integrated
- Cart urgency reminder
- RTL supported
- diffrent blogging style
- built-in Sticky headers
- Back to top button
- Previous & Next functionality for the product view page
- off canvas category menu
- Validate W3C
- Product “new”, “sale” label features
- in built Multilanguage
- Multiple product hover effect
- Ask about product form
- product badging for secure checkout
- Multiple custom pages
- Instagram widget
- Powerfull sliders & banners
- Customizable tabs/accordian
- Built with HTML5, SASS
- Browser compitable
- And many More…!
Included in the purchase package:
- Shopify Theme packages to install on your Shopify store (need extract the package before install.)
- Detailed installation & user guide documentation.
Note : All graphic images use for demo sample only and NOT include in the purchase packages.
- We don’t offer a refund. (if theme is already downloaded)
- Please read the description and version compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.